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6 votes
Time complexity to insert a node in the end of circular linked list, if the pointer to the 1st node is given and number of nodes in list is N



B)O(log N)


D)O(N log N)
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2 Answers

Best answer
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12 votes

Logic for the given procedure is 1st node of circular linked list.

That is not sure, because any node can be the head node. After all, If a middle node is head node, then again its a circular linked list. In memory, a $CLL$ is stored like a circular queue.

  • Let the $CLL$ with head node as a node having element $5$ be :

  • Add a New node $N$ as follows in $O(1)$ time :

  • Swap the Data $N$ and $5$ in O(1) time as :

  • Now, again make Node having $5$ as head node in O(1) time as :

  • Now, the new CLL is as follows :

  • All the steps are in total done in $O(1)$ time.
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1 votes
It can be done in O(N) because we have to traverse till the last node.

Answer will be : O( N ) 

// Pseudo_code

node* addAtEnd(node *head , node *n) {
  //If list is empty
  if(head == NULL) {
    //making the new Node as Head
    head = n;
    //making the next pointer of the new Node as Null
    n->next = NULL;
  else {
    //getting the last node
    node *last = getLastNode();   // assume this function  return the pointer to the last node
     last->next = n;
    //making the next pointer of new node point to head
    n->next = head;
return head;

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