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Consider a system with the main memory size of 32MB and each process size 4MB, if each process spends 80% of its time in doing I/O, what is the CPU utilization percentage? (Assuming there is no virtual memory and the space required for OS is negligible)



should'nt the answer be 20% since for,80% of time,process uses I/0.

it is given tht main memory size if 32MB and process size if 4MB,so at max 8 processes can perform I/0 in parallel.so at that CPU will be free and therefore its utilisation will be only 20%.

1 Answer

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The CPU utilization can be modeled by the formula
    CPU utilization = 1 - p
    where there are n processes in memory and each process spends a fraction p of its time waiting for I/O

So, here number of processes= 32 MB / 4 MB = 8

Answer= 1 - (0.8)=0.8322 = 83.22%

Note: Here, CPU utilization is a function of n, which is called the degree of multiprogramming.



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