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Which of the following statements about Softwares is false?

  1. System Softwares provide an API that can be accessed by the Application Softwares.
  2. DBMS, Compilers, Assemblers are examples of System Software.
  3. OS Interface is used by the System Softwares to interact with the hardware/OS.
  4. System Softwares can control and coordinate the use of hardware.

2 Answers

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I think option B is false.

DBMS , Compilers and Assemblers are examples of Application software.
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Appplication software solves problems for some end-user, e.g, payroll, video games, factory control, railway reservation software

System software helps one manage the computer (operating systems, browsers, backup software).  

Development software is used to build system or application software (and sometimes even other development software)

I would categorize compilers as development software.

an answer would be "2"

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