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Consider a scenario of modified quick sort, where we have given an input sorted array A[1 . . . n], all elements of array are distinct and n ≥ 3. Pivot is the median of set of 3 elements [First element, middle element, and last element]. What will be worst case time complexity of modified quick sort?

  • Ο(n2)
  • Ο(n logn)
  • Ο(n2 logn)
  • Ο(n log log n)

I think it will be B but they have given as A....???

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1 Answer

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The correct answer is B.

Median of 'n' elements in a sorted array is the n/2 th element which falls exactly at the n/2 th position. Thus, dividing the array approximately in two equal halves.

Since, no complexity is given to find the median we will consider constant time.
Now, The recursive equation for this problem becomes:

$T(n) =O(1) + O(n) + T(n/2) + T(n/2)$

where O(1) is the complexity to find median in every recursive call.

Solve using Recursive tree method or Master's Theorem  : $O(nlogn)$


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