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Assume a program requires the execution of 50 x 106 FP instructions, 110 x 106 INT

instructions, 80 x 106 L/S instructions, and 16 x 106 branch instructions. The CPI for

each type of instruction is 1, 1, 4, and 2, respectively. Assume that the processor has a

2 GHz clock rate. By how much must we improve the CPI of FP instructions if we

want the program to run two times faster?

2 Answers

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plz correct me.......

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Average CPIold = Σ Ci x Ii

= CPIfp × No. FP instr. + CPIint × No. INT instr. + CPIl/s × No. L/S instr. + CPIbranch × No. branch

= 50 x 106 x 1 +110 x 106 x 1 +80 x 106 x 4 +16 x 106 x 2 =512 x106

As we want the program to run two times faster,

To half the number of clock cycles by improving the CPI of FP instructions:

Average CPIold=2 x Average CPInew

Average CPInew= 0.5 x Average CPIold

Average CPInew =CPIimproved fp × No. FP instr. + CPIint × No. INT instr. + CPIl/s × No. L/S instr. +

                              CPIbranch × No. branch instr.

0.5 x Average CPIold= CPIimproved fp × 50 x 106  +110 x 106 x 1 +80 x 106 x 4 +16 x 106 x 2

256= CPIimproved fp × 50 +110  +320 +32

CPIimproved fp × 50 =-206

CPIimproved fp  =-4.12

Hence quedtion is wrong...If CPI of FP becomes 0 still program execution not to be 2 times faster.

But we can't reduce the clock from 1 to any becoz that is minimum already..of they have asked clk time then the question is ok

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1 answer
shikharV asked Jan 19, 2016
Solution:The solution given doesn't look correct please check