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3 Answers

2 votes
2 votes
If n is only 1,2,3

Then it is regular language as it is finite language therefore it is context free

If n= 1,2,3....


Not context free


We require two stack

Whenever occurence a comes push in one stack

Then occurence b comes push in 2nd stack

And pop one a and one b  from the stack for occurrence of a
1 votes
1 votes
n= 1,2,3 Thats it? or 1,2,3.......?

IF n=1,2,3 then Regular hence Context Free..  Option A

If n=1,2,3...... then  not context free.   Option B
0 votes
0 votes
Since n is finite , the language will have finite cases and can be represented by DFA, making it a regular language.

All the regular languages are context free languages.

Complement of a regular language is regular.

Therefore its complement is also context free.

If the question is correctly put , Answer is (a).

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2 answers
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2 answers
suneetha asked Dec 22, 2018
i thought that it is the language where both start and end symbols are same and i got 65 but the ans is 29