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A high quality speech signal has a bandwidth of 8khz.suppose that the speech signal is to quantized and then transmitted over a 28.8kbps modem. What is the signal to noise ratio(in DB) of the received signal? what modem sped is needed if we  require an SNR of 40 db?

1 Answer

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AS we know that C=(B x SNRdB)/3

Where C= Capacity of the channel


SNRdB=Signal to Noise Ratio in Decibels

Here B=8kHz

Speed of Modem=28.8kbps

(28800/8000)x3=SNRdB =>10.8

if SNRdB=40

then (Speed of Modem/8000)x3=40

=> Speed of Modem = (40*8000)/3=106.6kbps

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