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What is the difference between order and degree of a B-tree

are they same or different

4 Answers

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Order of B-tree defines (max and min) no. of children.

Degree of B-tree defines (max and min) no. of keys .

Degree is defined as minimum degree of B-tree.
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Degree represents the lower bound on the number of children a B Tree can have (except for the root). i.e the minimum number of children possible. Whereas the Order represents the upper bound on the number of children. ie. the maximum number possible.


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You can refer my answer here. 


Degree represents the lower bound on the number of children a node in the B Tree can have (except for the root). i.e the minimum number of children possible.  (Wikipedia uses this)

Whereas the Order represents the upper bound on the number of children. ie. the maximum number possible. (CLRS Book uses this)

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A  B-Tree of maximum degree k:

All interior nodes have ⌈k/2⌉ to k children.

All nodes have ⌈k/2⌉ − 1  to  k − 1 keys.  Source University of San Francisco

while The maximum number of keys in a record(each node except for the root) is called the order of the B+ tree. source link wiki


Note: The terms Order and Degree are same for both B and B+ Trees.

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