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A starts walking from a place at a uniform speed of 2 km/h in a particular direction. After half an hour, B starts from the same place and walks in the same direction as A at a uniform speed and overtakes A after 1 hour 48 minutes. Calculate the speed of B.

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Distance covered by A in 30 minutes $=Time \times velocity$

                                                             $=\frac{30}{60} \times 2 =1 \ km$

Distance covered by A in 1 hr 48 minutes =$(1+\frac{48}{60}) \times 2 $

                                                                      $=1.8 \times 2 $

                                                                      $= 3.6 km$

Total distance covered by A in 2.3 hr (1.8+.5 =2.3) = $3.6 \ km + 1 \ km = 4.6 \ km$


Total distance Covered by B in 1.8 hr = $4.6 \ km $

Speed of B= $\frac{ Distance \ covered \ by \ B}{Time}$


                      $ =2.55 \ km / hr$
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