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What is compare and swap & test and set hardware solution of mutual exclusion? please explain......

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2.test and set
these are hardware solutions for synchronization
for test and set
boolean TestandSet (boolean &target)
boolean rv=target;
target = TRUE;
return rv;
for process pi
          critical section
          remainder section
here lock is boolean variable initial value of lock=false which implies critical section is free
    p1 starts its execution
    p1 in while loop calls testandset(false)function
   now target is also assigned to false and rv also assigned to false
   in next instruction target changes to true which automatically changes lock to true
   rv value which is false is returned
  while(false) fails and p1 enters CS, now if p2 wants CS
 p2 checks testandset(true), target value is changed to true
 rv is assigned true, target is made as true then rv which true is returned
  now while is true and it enters infinite while loop and p2 does not enter CS and
 mutual exclusion satisfied.
 so this condition will fail only if lock=false and then a process can enter into CS.
now, swap instruction
Void swap (boolean &a, boolean &b)
boolean temp=a;
initial values:
boolean lock=false;
boolean key=true
for this consider code
     critical section
     remainder section
    process p1 is willing to enter CS, so it is at entry section. key is made true. or initial value of key = true.
     Initial value of lock = false.  while(key==true satisfies)
     call swap(false,true). Initial value of lock = false. now, a=lock, b=key
    now key and b, lock and a are connected/referenced
    so value in a and b should be same as key and lock
    so we change it respectively
    control returns to while loop
   now key is false, P1 enters CS now p2 wants to enter in cs so it makes key as true
   now while key==true swap function is called  
   now at swap function. a and b made true
   now swap(a,b) will retain the value as both have same values
   now return to while loop. While condition satisfies and again enter swap function.
   this continues till p1 makes lock=false
   hence only one process in CS
   mutual exclusion satisfied
   in this way we use swap & test and set

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