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there are 5 distinct letter,,,,,,,,in which 1E,2A,1S,2Y,1W

Selected 4 letters can have following 3 patterns:

a)abcd (all four letter are different) :

5P4  =120(choosing 4 distinct letters out of 5, when order matters)

b)aabc (from 4 letters 2 are the same and other 2 are different) :

2C1 * 4C2 * 4!/2! = 48

here choosing 2C1, becoz we want  "aa" type(out of 2 double letter - AY)

4C2 choosing for third and fourth letters out of 4 distinct letters left

and multiplying by 4!/2! to get different arrangement  (for example AABC can be arranged in 4!/2! way)

c)  aabb (from 4 letters 2 are the same and other 2 are also the same) :

2C2 * 4!/2! 2! = 6

here 2C2 choosing which two double letter will provide two letters (out of 2 double letter - AY) 

and multiplying by 4!/2! 2! to get different arrangement.

120 + 48 +6 = 174 ways

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