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linear search recursive program 

int recSearch(int arr[], int l, int r, int x)


     if (r < l)

        return -1;

     if (arr[l] == x)

        return l;

     return recSearch(arr, l+1, r, x);


how will you write reccurrence equation to find time complexity of it 

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Here we first describe Basis condition T(1)=1 (first element is our search element and we are doing constant work)

Now return recSearch(arr, l+1, r, x) : This line tell us that if element is not at postilion "l" find at l+1

so T(2)=T(1)+1 (here we are adding +1 because of 2 if statement which require negligible amount of time )

so T(k)=T(k-1)+1 where k is our search element

so let take an small example and see how much time it requires let element at position 3rd be our search element 



so T(3)=T(1)+1+1 substituting T(2) from previous equation  


so T(k)=k

"if( r < L )" it ensure that we are not searching within bound of array and it is also terminating condition.

so if element is not in array then last search would be n<n which is false, now L will be incremented by 1 so n<n+1 True return -1;

So recurrence relation is T(n) =T(n-1)+1, T(1)=1

space complexity is size of array = n size of L,R,x= Constant so O(n+c)=O(n)

Time complexity: Best case O(1)  Average case O(n/2)=O(n) and Worst Case O(n)

Finding Time complexity



Substuting it back in T(n)


so on T(n)=T(n-(n-1))+1+1..n-1 Times (n-1 times because we have already taken T(1) so form 2 to n it will be n-1)

T(n)=T(1)+ (n-1)*1

T(n)=1+n-1 =n

T(n) =O(n)

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sumit goyal 1 asked Jan 8, 2018
$T(n) = 8T(\frac{n}{2}) + n^2$ T(1) = 1