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Another way to prove E is not RE:

To prove certain language is Turing reconizable or not following step is need to do:
 1. Select any Turing reconizable language like here I am taking
   ATM{<M,w> | M is a TM and M accept w}
 2.Find the reduction function from ATM to the complement of given language E.

 If we able to find a reduction then E is not Turing Reconizable.

The reduction Function(TM F):
  F =   "On input <M,W> where M is a encoding of TM and w is a string"
        1. Construct a new TM M'

           M' = "On input x where x is string"
                a. if x!=w "reject"
                b. else RUN ATM on x ,if ATM "accept" then "accept" else "reject"
        2. Output M'.

[ So, Basically M' is a TM which may accept language consisting of 'w' only or its a empty language. So we can feed M' to E , if E accept that mean w is present in the language which indirectly imply ATM accept w]

So, ATM <m E'
  ===> ATM' <m E but we know ATM' is not Turing Reconizable because ATM is undecidable and ATM is Turing Reconizable.
   So, E is not Turing Reconizable.

Note: E' is Turing Reconizable and E is Undecidable.

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E is a language, to accept language E we construct a Turing Machine. Suppose we create a Turing EM for the language E.

EM will be provided as input the encoding of another Turing machines, If that inputted machine M accepts an empty language then it will be a member of language E, else it will be not a member of language. 

Suppose we have a Turing Machine M, we need to check if it accepts an empty language. Turing Machine EM have M and strings eps, a, b, aa, bb, ..... EM will check if M can reach a final state for at least on a single input, and if it accepts at least a single input it will be discarded and not included in language E.
Now, see a possibility T.M M gets into a loop so M will keep on running and we couldn't decide whether it can accept or can't accept anything.
Hence, this given language E is NOT RE.

PS: I think the complement of this given Language E will be RE.

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