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What is state entry problem? How Halting Problem can decide is it decidable or undecidable?

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State entry problem :- Let suppose we have a TM 'M' ,does our TM will ever enter(visit) some state 'q' during it's computation on any arbitrary input W.

In simple words will our TM ever enter a particular state for w ∈ ∑* .

Halting problem has nothing to do with State entry problem , it's decidability and undecidability that's the concern.

Let  A ⊆p B  from this reducibility we can claim two things

1) If A is undecidable then B will too.

2) If B is decidable then A will decidable too.

We basically use this concept to prove the decidability and undecidability of a language. and as HP is undecidable (RE but not REC) so if we can reduce this to state entry problem , we can then claim that SEP too undecidable.

Proof is simple , have a look here


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