3 Answers

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1 votes
$T(n) = T\left(\frac{n}{\lg n}\right) + 1$

$= T\left(\frac{n}{\lg n \lg (n/ \lg n)}\right) + 2$ (Going 1 level into recursion)

$= T\left(\frac{n}{ \lg ^2 n - \lg n \lg \lg n}\right) + 2$


Since the second term $(\lg n \lg \lg n)$ is asymptotically lower than $\lg^2 n$, we can ignore it and assume that the recurrence stops when the denominator is half of the numerator (when we get T(2)) which happens after $k$ steps and since the complexity at each step is 1, the total complexity will be $k$.

$\lg^k n = n/2$

$\lg n = (n/2)^{1/k}$

$\lg \lg n = (1/k) (\lg n -1)$

$k = (\lg n -1 )/\lg \lg n$

So, time complexity = $\Theta \left(\frac{\lg n}{\lg \lg n}\right)$
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0 votes
If i replace logn by root (n) then equation will be T(n) = T(root n) which is nothing but log log(n).

So final complexity O(log logn) < T(n) < n
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0 votes
It will be O(log n).In binary search you divide the entire array into 2 halves each time.In that case it would be O(log n) with base 2.in case you divide in 3 halves the base will become 3 in logarithm.But the base does not matter that much.It actually differs only by a constant.

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