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5 Answers

Best answer
15 votes
15 votes
Embedded Pointer are Pointer Set  in a data record So it provides a secondary access path. Option A is correct.
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6 votes
6 votes

Embedded pointer means a set of pointer in a data set  which points to another data set.

Hence it is secondary access path.

2 votes
2 votes

ans is (a)

A pointer set in a data record instead of in a directory.

0 votes
0 votes
It is the pointer embeded in the data structure such as in array,structures or in union. It provides the secondary access. It basically set as null by the server and client stub allocate the memory.

Sometime the value is not null i.e value is set by the server. So in this case the client stubs don't allocate the memory for it but use the allocated existing memory and overwrite the data in it.

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