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3 Answers

Best answer
17 votes
17 votes
if n is odd then perfect matching 0. because in perfect matching degree of each vertex must be 1, which is not possible if n is odd.

and if n is even then num of perfect matching in $K_{2n}=\dfrac{(2n!)}{( 2^n  *  n! )}$
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15 votes
15 votes
For Kn

if n is odd , then there is no perfect matching.

n is even then you can count it like ->

(n-1) (n-3) (n-5)...1 (This will end in 1 as n is even).
0 votes
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$\underline{\textbf{Objective}}:$ Find number of perfect matchings in $K_{n}$

$\underline{\textbf{Definition}}:$ Given graph $G = (V,E)$, a perfect matching in graph $G$ is a subset $M$ of edge set $E$, such that $\forall_{v \in V} \exists_{u \in V-v} \exists_{p \in V-u-v}\ (v,u) \in M \land (v,p) \not \in M \land (u,p) \not \in M$     


  1. $^{n}C_2$ total edges in $K_{n}$
  2. For perfect matching we would need $\frac{n}{2}$ edges
  3. We can't have fractional edges, hence when $n$ is odd, we won't have perfect matching. 
  4. No two edges should have same vertex
  5. All edges should cover all the vertices
  6. Every vertex has degree $n-1$


Total Edges = nC2
For loop 1:n/2:
    Find a random edge e=(u,v) from total edges
    total edges = remove every edge incident on u and v

This is a way to find one such subset $M$. Finding the count of such subsets will give us final answer.


Finding first edge will take $^{^{n}C_2}C_1 = ^{n}C_2$ ways 
Total edges would now be = $^{n}C_2 - (n-2)-(n-2)-1 = ^{n}C_2 -2n +3 = ^{n-2}C_2$ 
It would be isomorphic to $K_{n-2}$

Finding second edge will take $^{n-2}C_2$ ways 
Total edges would now be = $^{n-2}C_2 - (n-2-2)-(n-2-2)-1 = ^{n-2}C_2 -2n+7 = ^{n-4}C_2$ 
and so on.

total ways of finding edges = $^{n}C_2 \times ^{n-2}C_2 \times \dots \times ^2C_2 = \prod_\limits{i=0}^{n/2-1} \ ^{n-2i}C_2 = \dfrac{n!}{2^\frac{n}{2}}$   
This accounts for order of chosen edges, but $M$ is set, order doesn't matter. So we will divide by ($\frac{n}{2}!$). 

Final Solution, when $n$ is even,
perfect matchings are there. 

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