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Property : S is a subset of RE and it represents and contains a subest of RE languages which obeys a particular behaviour or property. And one of the possible property is as follows :

$L \text{ is reducible to } L_1$ where $L \in \text{SET of all RE languages }$

Property Language : $L_P = \left \{ L | L \text { is reducible to } L_1 \right \}$ where $L_1$ has a TM decider.

  • S is not empty because clearly $L_1 \in S$
  • And there are semi-decidable languages inside the RE domain which are not a part of the property set S
  • => S is neither $\phi$ nor it contains all RE
  • => $\emptyset \subset P\subset RE$

 So, S is non-trivial property. From Rices theorem, $L_P$ is undecidable.

Link Property Language and Rice Theorem

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In  my opinion , it is decidable to conclude whether L2 is reducible to L1 or not.U can see the link :


Reduction of one problem to another is nothing but transforming one problem to another.

If L2 <m L1 it means that if an algorithm exists for solving L1 efficiently , then it can be used as a subroutine to find whether L2 can be solved efficiently.Now we are given L1 is decidable , meaning there exists an algorithm for language(or problem) L1.Now if using this algorithm we are able to solve L2 efficiently , this means L1 is reducible to L2 else not reducible.

So we are able to conclude the reducibilty of L2 into L1 . Hence it should be a decidable problem i.e. we are able to decide whether L2 is reducible to L1.

Secondly for any 2 languages s.t. L2 <m L1 so these 3 categories of languages(easy languages) work from right to left i.e. if right one is known we can conclude about left one :

a) If L1 is P , L2 is P.(But converse is not necessarily true)

b) If L1 is NP , L2 is NP.

c) If L1 is decidable ,  L2 is decidable.

Using the point c) , we can conclude that L2 is decidable as well. 

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given that L1 is decidable language  and   L2 is reducible to L1   so we know that  if L1 is decidable then L2 is also decidable via move backwords support decidable, p-problem, NP problem, REC ,RE except NPH, undecidable. so finally it is decidable

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