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3 votes
Consider the vertices $V1$  and $V2$ that are simultaneously on the function call stack at some point during the execution of depth -first search from vertex $S$ in a digraph.Which of the following must be true?

I. There exist directed path from $s$ to $V_1$ and directed path from $s$ to $V_2$

II. There exist both a directed path from $V_1$ to $V_2$ and a directed path from $V_2$ to$V_1$.

III. If there is no directed path from $V_1$ to $V_2$ then there exist a directed path from $V_2$ to $V_1$ .

Which of the above statement is/are true?

2 Answers

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2 votes

We we assume $V_1 = 1$ and $V_2 = 2$ then these two are in stack while traversing from 0. [ $V_1$ and $V_2$ are just names for two nodes existing in the stack ]

Under these assumptions, we can say that there is a directed path from $V_1$ to $V_2$. And there is no path from $V_2$  to  $V_1$. ( both way path is not necessary )

But it is not necessary that always $V_1$ comes first in the stack. If we assume $V_2$ = 1 and $V_1$ = 2 , then is no path from $V_2$ to $V_1$.

One thing we can be sure that there is at least a path between $V_1$ and $V_2$ in one of the direction. 

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There are two possible cases
S -> .... -> v1 -> .... ->v2

S -> .... -> v2 -> .... ->v1

Only in these two cases v1 and v2 can be simultaneously on the dfs stack
So the answer must be 1

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