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2 votes
I've been struggling to come to exact solution for this. Master's theorem is not applicable and likely way to get to answer is Recursion tree. Which is giving me Theta(n) as an answer.

Steps : =>

1)  T(n) = 2T(n/4) + √3

2) Emerging Pattern => (1/2^k) * n

3) Considering when we break down to T(1) : :   (1/2^k) * n  =1

4) k = log (n)

5) Each level has 2^i nodes :: 2^(log (n)) :=> n

6) If you sum up cost , n + n/2 + n/4 + ..... = n/2

Which is incorrect ,

Answer given is ( √n log n ) , would appreciate if someone could shed light how so ?
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4 Answers

Best answer
1 votes
1 votes

Extended Master theorem:


where $a\geq1,b>1,k\geq0$ and $p$ is any real number

Case$(1):$ If $a>b^{k}$

        then $T(n)=\theta(n^{log_{b} a})$

Case$(2):$If $a=b^{k}$

                    If $(a) p>-1$

                     then $T(n)=\theta(n^{log_{b} a}log^{p+1}n)$

                    If $(b) p=-1$

                    then  $T(n)=\theta(n^{log_{b} a}loglogn)$

                  If $(c) p<-1$

                  then $T(n)=\theta(n^{log_{b}a})$

Case$(3):$If $a<b^{k}$

                if $(a)p\geq0$

                  then $T(n)=\theta(n^{k}log^{p}n)$

                  if $(b)p<0$

                then $T(n)=\theta(n^{k})$

Let come to the question $T(n)=2T(n/4)+\sqrt{3}$


Lets compare with equation $(1),$


Now $a>b^{k}$


So,Case $(1)$ is satisfied.







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4 votes
4 votes

In these type of questions where master method doesnt apply you can do the following

$T(n) = 2T(n/4) + \sqrt{3}$

Reframe it like this, by putting i in the specified positions

$T(n) = 2^{i}T(n/4^{i}) + i\sqrt{3}$

Now for n/4i = 1, put i = log4n

So the equation becomes

$T(n) = 2^{log_{4}n} + log_{4}n\sqrt{3}$


$T(n) = n^{log_{4}2} + log_{4}n\sqrt{3}$

$T(n) = \sqrt{n} + log_{4}n\sqrt{3}$

And therefore

$T(n) = O(\sqrt{n})$

3 votes
3 votes
Adding cost of each level;

$\begin{align*} T(n) &= 2^0.\sqrt{3} + 2^1.\sqrt{3} + 2^2.\sqrt{3} + .... + 2^{\log_4 n}.\sqrt{3} \\ &= \sqrt{3}.\left [ \frac{2^{\log_4 {n}+1}-1}{2-1} \right ] \\ &= \sqrt{3}.O(n^{\frac{1}{2}}) \\ &= O(\sqrt{n}) \end{align*}$
0 votes
0 votes

i think it is Correct using Extend master method ..

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