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what is the difference between asymptotically large and polynomially large  how to find which function is asymptotically large or  polynomially large

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A function f(x) is polynomially larger than g(x) if it is greater only by some polynomial factor e.g. by n2 , n3 but the exponent should be some constant not a function of n since then it will be even larger than factorial.

A function is asymptotically larger if it follows big -Oh notation .This is necessary and sufficient condition and here f(x) can be larger than g(x) by any factor , not necessarily polynomial.Let us understand what I have said through examples.

If f(x) =  n5 and g(x) =  n3logn , so removing common of n3 both sides , we have :

n2   which is polynomially larger than logn

So here f(x) is polynomially larger than g(x)

But if we take f(x)  =  nn  and     g(x)  = n2

So now f(x) is not polynomially larger but we can say exponentially larger and to be generic asymptotically larger.

If we consider the other side , f(x) = nlogn    and   g(x) = n

Here also it is not so because the factor is logn which is less than polynomial but we can say asymptotically larger.

I hope you have understood the difference between the two.

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