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A team of 8 couples (husband &wife) attend a Lucky draw in which 4 person picked up for a prize.then the probability that there is at least one couple is.                                                                                           (A) 11/39  (B) 12/39   (C) 14/39 (D) 15/39
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2 Answers

Best answer
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8 votes

There are two cases possible

case I) 1 couple + 2 individual  or case II) 2 couples

Total sample space = total ways in which 4 person can win = 16C= 1820


case I) 1 couple + 2 individual

number of ways of choosing 1 couple = 8C1 = 8

now this two individual can be both husband or both wife or different husband and wife

both husband = 7C= 21        ( since one husband is already calculated in couple so 7 husband remains )

both wife = 7C= 21               ( same reason )

different husband and different wife = 7C1 * 6C1 = 42     ( chossing 1 husband from 7 husbands and since we cant choose the wife of choosed husband. So choosing one wife from remaining 6 wives )

So total ways in this case = 8 * ( 21+21+42 ) = 672

case II) 2 couples

number of ways of choosing 2 couples = 8C2 = 28

So probability = (672 + 28)/1820 = 5/13 = 15/39

So ans should be D)

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4 votes
4 votes
Probability of selecting at least one couple = 1- probability of selecting no couple

Probability of selecting no couple is calculated as folows:

Let us imagine that 4 couples are standing side by side (Choosing any 4 couple from 8 couple can be done in $\binom{8}{4}$ ways). If we select exactly one person from each couple (this can be done in $2^{4}$ ways), then it is possible that no two persons who are couples are selected. So this can be done in $\binom{8}{4} * 2^{4}$ ways. Totally, 4 persons from 16 can be selected in $\binom{16}{4}$ ways. The required probability that no couple is selected is thus: $\frac{\binom{8}{4} * 2^{4}}{\binom{16}{4}} = \frac{8}{13}$

Thus, the probability that at least one couple is selected is $1-\frac{8}{13} = \frac{5}{13}$. Here the answer that matches is $\frac{15}{39}$

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