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19 votes
19 votes
Round-trip tickets to a tourist destination are eligible for a discount of $10\%$ on the total fare. In addition, groups of $4$ or more get a discount of $5\%$ on the total fare. If the one way single person fare is $Rs$ $100$, a group of $5$ tourists purchasing round-trip tickets will be charged $Rs$ __________
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4 Answers

Best answer
21 votes
21 votes
For individual, round-trip discount $10\%$ on TOTAL fare.

So, for each person, discount for Total fare of Rs. $200 =   200 \times 0.1 =20.$

So, for $5$ members discount $= 100$ rupees

For $5$ member group they is extra $5\%$ discount on TOTAL fare i.e.,  $5\times 200 \times  5\%= 50 $ rupees.

Total discount is $100+50=150.$

They have to pay $5 \times 200 - 150 = 850$ rupees
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7 votes
7 votes
One way single person fare is 100. Therefore 2 way
is 200.

For 5 persons it is 200 x 5 = 1000

Now 1st discount is of 10 % on total fare, which is
100( 10 % of 1000). And as the group is of more than 4, 
an additional discount of 5 % on total fare, which is 
50( 5 % of 1000).

Hence total discount is equal to 100 + 50 = 150.

Therefore tickets are charged at Rs 1000 - 150 = 850. 
2 votes
2 votes
Given that a group of 5 tourists purchasing round-trip tickets will get 5% (individual) + 10%(group of 4 or more) discount in total which is equal to 15%.

Total fare for a trip of 5 people = 5 * 200  = 1000

discount = 1000 * 15% = 150

Therefore total charge = 1000 - 150 = 850.

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