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Long term scheduler: it deals with degree of multiprogramming means how many processes u want at a time in the Ready queue...like all goods are stored at a warehouse...and capacity of that warehouse is what is degree of multiprogramming

Short Term scheduler: simply which processes to pick from ready queue and send to running state(m counting dispatcher's job also here only)...now u have to send goods from warehouse to market for further processing..scheduling the processes and dispatching them cones here...

Medium term scheduler:used for swapping processes like moving from main memory to secondary memory and vice-versa (I/O needs etc)...in between if some goods needs some repairs or other needs, then do them...

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Long term scheduler:

The term long term is based on the fact that this scheduler has a long term impact on the efficiency of the system. How many processes need to be pushed to ready queue define the degree of mutltiprogramming. Consider if the LTS pushes only high IO bound processes, this will lead to a lot of waiting time and hence the CPU will be idle for most of the time, on the other hand if LTS pushes high CPU bound processes it will lead to starvation of processes as one process will require a lot of CPU time. Whatever may be the case it is certain that LTS has a long term inpact onto the effinciency cz which ever processes are pushed in ready they have to travel through the process states.

Short term scheduler, similarly, has a short impact on CPU eff. As it can impact as long as the scheduled processes executes, and also deals with only two states, i.e. ready and run.

Medium term scheduler deal with suspended processes from ready queue or from wait, which process to suspend when a high priority process arrvies is handled by it.

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