6 votes
6 votes
If ‘m’ processes share ‘n’ resources of the same type, the maximum need of each process does
not exceed ‘n’ and the sum of all their maximum needs is always less than ‘m+n’. In this case:
(a) Deadlock can never occur                     (b) Deadlock may occur
(c) Deadlock has to occur                          (d) None

1 Answer

11 votes
11 votes
to prevent deadlock

(maximum resources need -1) will be allocated to all the processes and 1 resource will be given for all to complete individually and release all the resources so it will be = ∑(maximum need -1) +1 <=n (available resource)

= ∑max need -m +1 <=n

∑max need +1 <= m+n

∑max need <m+n--this is the condition for deadlock free it is satisfied so ans is A

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