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Here you can see how pointers point and how data is stored in which allocations and data structures, among the several other stuff.

Data Structure Visualizations


Computer Networking: A Top-Down Approach

Topic-wise video Lectures (with slide format notes) by  J.F. Kurose [Author]



Book →

Solution (book) →

Data Communications and Network

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Solution (book) →


GATE Topper Algorithm

1. Check topics from this document

2. Study Them From Any Standard Textbook, Else Go To Nptel

3. Try a couple of simple questions from end chapters to know if you understand basics of that topic

4. Try GATE previous years related questions

5. If you find some questions in GATE papers not related to the topic you studied, go back to Step 2. ..


Before using the book 1. The books and video lectures mentioned are the best possible sources for the subject and you can choose one of them or as needed.


For doubts regarding books and videos check GATECSE - Books and GATECSE - Video Lectures or better write your query on the.…


2. Types of Problems section has been made after analyzing through many previous year GATE question papers.

It does not guarantee the questions will only come from those mentioned, but gives you an idea how and from questions have been asked. But if you aim high, then please complete full syllabus.…


3. [XYZ] is a short tag for the book mentioned so that we don’t have to write full names of the authors.

So don’t get confused when you see them in the Topics and Chapters table...






























This is the last week to do direct order of GO Hardcopy. All details are available at below link. After that book will be available only on Amazon (already available on Amazon but shipping date is after July 10)

first search for how to apply for MS at IIT KGP. (it’s a complete different process)

There were different panelists with different domains, level questions keep increasing as you give the answers.

Q. What is BST?
Q. BST search complexity average and worst and when worst?

they’ll share a google doc with you to write on it as they can see it too.

Q. complexity of quicksort?
Q. write pseudo code for quicksort partition function?
Q write recursive call function of quicksort?
Q. Given this array, apply quicksort on this?
    → I totally did forget how to write partition, recursive code, even given a array I was not able to apply the quick sort on it, more because I tried to remember the quick sort solution I studied in coaching, but professors will keep supporting you, so I decided to build some new algorithm for it and developed a new algorithm for quicksort there.

Q.  How to dynamically allocate 2D array in C?
     → I don’t code in C, so told them and they were fine with it,

Q. write on the doc big Oh notation of functions.
Q. what if they f(n) and g(n) are equal.
Q. write mathematically f(n) = O g(n)
   →  f(n) =< C g(n) for all n>x , need to find x given a C
Q. lots of discussion on this finding x and C?
   →  not how to find it or finding them, but what to do the f(n) is equal to g(n)
   → i think i messed up here too, gave a 50-50% sure not sure answer

Interview ended.
on the same day, I received an email stating my performance was decent but for satisfying and a 2nd round of interview is being scheduled for me after 2 days. I prepared well in those 2 days, there was no sorting, searching algorithm i can’t code now, jokes apart, prepare your gate notes for DS and algo, that’s enough.

Sad, this time they didn’t ask anything from i prepared , rather asked coding questions.

Q. Given an array find and X find pair in array whose sum is X?
→ i was happy it’s pretty standard question you would find in every preparation. they want you to start with a naive solution and then optimize it, I stated the naive solution and gave it’s complexity as n^2, and quickly wrote it’s code on the shared doc,
→ I knew the solution for O(n) but still din’t gave the answer right away
→ Then gave a optimized solution with hashmap and wrote its code which theoretically should give O(n) but was giving O(n^2) still because of searching in hashmap.keys() returns a list, I replaced it with set which again gives O(n^2) because of forming set everytime, you can use add element to set also which won’t give O(n^2), somehow we ended up to O(nLogn) as used binary search also, and i ended the discussion with the best solution i knew with O(n). believe me O(n) is the solution you’ll find in most of competitive course or website for this problem, but the professor gave me some more hints and was able to solve it in O(1), haha, shocking.

Q. asked I code for graphs, I told NO, he was happy i said NO so he can ask question on it only, Find the greatest distance can be covered in a given graph,
→ well i was not able to solve this and professor skipped it as i took lot of time.

Q. We have a problem of size N and it is divided into “b” subproblems and from those b problems we only solve “a” number of subproblems , and each problem take O(1) to solve, write recurrence relation for it.
→ never saw a question like this but as i prepared the gate notes just a day before I got the concept and solved it in seconds .

Q. In the formed recurrence relation give an example (name of algorithm) where a=b?
→ gave answer as quick sort.
Q. give an example (name of algorithm) where a!=b?
→ I had no ideas about it, after a hind i gave a right answer binary search.

Interview ended
this interview went nice. and got selected,
I’ll be quick,

Q. tell me about yourself ?
→ talk more about your projects, not anything else, they’ll simply ignore anything else. If you mentioned a lot of new technology in it, your interview might run on its way, for me, I kept it in the direction of what subjects I prepared.

Q. what subjects you prepared?
→ mostly DS, algo, OS, linear algebra is sufficient.

Q. What is Rank in a matrix?
→ some follow up questions on it

Q. What is BST?

Q. Explain NP problems?

Q. what is deadlock?

Q. how to remove deadlocks?


Result → selected
yup that’s it, it was simple, they really don’t want you to fail in it, they’ll stay with basic, rather too basic definitions, selections of students is very ambiguous but, the student with score 550 was also selected (gave interview much better) and student with score 650 was also rejected. Truth be told the student with a 550 score had a better understanding of subjects and concepts.

Some GATE Overflow contributors who are also GATE toppers (in top 100) have expressed interest in taking live classes for GATE CSE aspirants. This form is to collect the expression of interest of GATE aspirants for it.


Platform: Google Meet

Research Stream Preference: Intelligent Systems (background subject: linear algebra and probability theory)

There were three professors in the panel, only two of them asked me questions. I will refer them by I1 and I2.

I1: Read out my application, mentioned my GATE score and rank, department preferences, labs selected, and asked about my BTech CGPA

He asked me why I did not apply for direct PhD and explained me benefits of doing direct PhD.

I1: What are the subjects that you have prepared for the interview?

Me: Sir, I have prepared background subjects linear algebra and probability, and familiar with subjects in GATE syllabus.

I1: I will ask you questions in probability first. Tell me if you have referred any standard book for probability?

[I mentioned the Sheldon Ross book]

I1: There are two types of random variables: discrete and continuous. Can you tell me what is the difference between the two random variables?

Me: For discrete random variables the values that the random variable (X) can take are countably finite and for continuous random variables the values are uncountable.

I1: (He was not impressed with my answer) Are you sure that is the correct statement? And is it written in Sheldon Ross book?

I1: Why do we name it continuous random variable? Why not call it uncountable random variable?

(We had discussion about this for about 5 minutes then he said that we call it 'continuous' because the cumulative distribution function for the random variable is a continuous graph.)

I1: Coming to normal random variable, can the peak of the bell curve have value greater than 1?

Me: The sum of probabilities in the range will give the total probability = 1. So total area under the curve should be 1. But I am not sure if peak could be greater than 1.

(Interviewer was not convinced with my answer. He gave me a few hints but I couldn't answer it well)

I1: What will be the value of normal random variable for $X = x$

Me: $P(X=x) = \frac{1}{\sqrt{2\pi \sigma^2}} e^{\frac{-(x-\mu)^2}{2\sigma^2}}$

I1: Right. What will be the maximum value for this? (assuming mean=0 and std=1)

Me: $\frac{1}{\sqrt{2\pi}}$ at x=0.

I1: Tell me about the binomial random variable.

Me: Told

I1: Can you say that binomial random variable is a limiting case of normal random variable? (If n is very large then will the binomial random variable become similar to normal random variable?) Prove it.

Me: I said yes but I couldn't prove the statement.

Now, the other professor took over and asked me questions on linear algebra

I2: What are eigenvalues and eigenvectors, can you define them?

Me: Sir, these are vectors whose direction remains unchanged after transformation. They might squeeze or stretch but the direction remains unchanged.

I2: Can you write the equation that you would use to calculate the eigenvalues and eigenvectors. And also explain the above definition with respect to that equation.

Me: Told

I2: Do these eigenvalues exist for every matrix mxn ?

Me: No sir, they are defined for only square matrices.

I2: Yeah, can you tell me why?

Me: In $Ax = \lambda x$ if A is rectangular matrix (m, n) and x is a (n, 1) column vector then Ax would be m-dimensional column vector (m, 1) which is different from RHS, i.e $\lambda x$ is a n-dimensional column vector (n, 1).

I2: Can you workout the above equation and show me how you will go about calculating the eigenvalues.

Me: $Ax = \lambda x$

$Ax = \lambda I x$

$(A-\lambda I)x=0$

$det(A-\lambda I)=0$

Now, we will solve for $\lambda$

I2: Okay, I understand the first two steps but why have you made $det(A-\lambda I)=0$ in the third step.

Me: Since we have $(A-\lambda I)x=0$. To solve this equation, x represents some combination of column vectors of $(A-\lambda I)$ that equate to zero. So the column vectors are not independent and hence the rank would be less than n. That would mean the determinant of (n x n) matrix should be zero if we want a non-trivial solution.

I2: Okay, now suppose I take transpose of A. Will the eigenvalues change?

Me: No sir. If $det(A-\lambda I)=0$ then $det((A-\lambda I)^T) = 0$ because the determinant remains same after transpose. Now, $det(A^T-\lambda I)=0$. Hence, the eigenvalues $\lambda$ will remain same.

I2: Okay, so you said that determinant remains unchanged after transpose. Is that true for every matrix?

Me: Yes, sir

I2: Do you know about row echelon form or reduced row echelon form. Can you name some common matrix operations?

Me: Yes sir, we can exchange two rows/columns, we can subtract/add multiple of some row/column and add to the other row/column.

I2: What would happen to the determinant if we apply these transformations.

Me: Sir, the determinant would remain unchanged.

I2: Can you take a simple matrix and show with a simple operation that determinant remains unchanged?

Me: I tried to work out a proof with a simple 2x2 matrix but couldn't clearly do it. He did give me some hint. Later I showed him an example that in a 2x2 matrix if we do $R_2=R_2-3R_1$ then the determinant value remains same.

(He was looking for a formal proof but I couldn't do it due to panic so I just showed him a simple worked out example by taking a 2x2 matrix)

The interview ended here, it lasted about 45 minutes.

My suggestion to future aspirants will be to prepare the topics from standard books right from the start of their GATE preparation. The interviewers focus on concepts and proofs which are very well explained in the standard books.

Verdict: Not Selected


Platform: Hackerearth

Maximum Score: 50.0


7 General MCQs (5.0 marks each)

  1. There is lockdown due to covid.

    Ram and Gopal have decided to meet at a bus stop between 2PM to 3PM. At the bus stop a person can wait only upto 15 minutes.

    If a person comes to the bus stop, he will wait for 15 minutes, or upto 3 PM, or till the other person comes up, whichever event happens earlier.

    What is the probability that Ram gets covid given that Gopal is covid positive?

    a. 3/4

    b. 3/16

    c. 1/4

    d. 13/16

  2. Consider 3 equations -

    $x-y+2z = 1$



    where 'b' is an integer. Which of the following is true?

    a. The system has no solution if b=-1

    b. The system has more than one solution if b=-2

    c. The system has no solution if b=3

    d. None of the above

  3. Given a spam email detector. It detects if the email is spam or not by checking the subject line "Read this email!". If the subject line matches then the email is detected as a spam.

    It is known that 4 out of 10 emails are spam.

    1 percent of the spam emails have the subject line "Read this email!"

    1 out of 250 non-spam emails have the subject line "Read this email!"

    Find the probability that an email is spam given that spam detector marked it as spam?

    a. 0.33

    b. 0.625

    c. 0.25

    d. 0.0125

  4. Given two column vectors u and v of size n each.

    $W = uv^T + vu^T$


    Which of the following statement is true?

    a. The matrix W and matrix X are scalar.

    b. The matrix W is a scalar and X is nxn.

    c. The matrix W is always symmetric and nxn and X is a scalar.

    d. The matrix W is nxn and X is a scalar.

  5. Given a program to print the nth fibonacci number.

    *A simple program to print the nth fibonacci number was given.*

    What is the time complexity to find fib(n)?

    a. O(n)

    b. O(n^2) – This was an error in the options, it should be O(2^n)

    c. O(logn)

    d. O(nlogn)

  6. Given $u=[a \ b \ c]^T$ and $A=\begin{bmatrix} a^2 & ab & ac \\ ab & b^2 & bc \\ ac & bc & c^2 \end{bmatrix}$is a 3x3 matrix $A=uu^T$. Given that a, b, c are all non zero real numbers. Which of the following statement is true about matrix A?

    a. The matrix has three nonzero eigen values.

    b. The matrix has two complex and one real eigen value.

    c. The matrix has exactly two nonzero eigen values.

    d. The matrix has exactly one nonzero eigen value.

  7. Given a graph of a function f(x).

    The graph of $f(x-1) + f(x-4)$ will be:


2 Programming Questions

  1. Write a program to print the given matrix in clockwise spiral order. (10 marks)

  2. Write a program to check if a matrix is diagonally dominant. (5 marks)

    A matrix is diagonally dominant if for every row of the matrix, the magnitude of diagonal element is greater than or equal to the sum of magnitude of all non-diagonal elements of that row.

    Note: The matrix contains values of type float.


Hi All,

Please find this awesome resource on the operating system subject.


You will learn how xv6 kernel is implemented along with all the fundamental OS concepts. 
What is xv6?



​​​​​​1. Overview

In this article, we’ll discuss the geometric probability distribution and its properties. We will prove each property mathematically and understand its significance. This article assumes basic knowledge of discrete mathematics and algebra for proofs.

2. Basic Definitions

We begin with a few basic definitions that will set the stage for things to come.

Sample space: A collection or set of discrete points $\Omega$ that is countable. A set of values $S$ is said to be countable when there exists a bijection $f: S → A$ where $A$ is a known countable set, such as the set of integers. Each point in the sample space represents an outcome.

A sample space may also be made of a continuous interval of points, but that is outside the scope of this article.

Conditional probability: Given events $A$ and $B$ as subsets of $\Omega$, the value $P(A | B)$ is the probability that $A$ occurs given that $B$ has already occurred. It is the probability of $A$ scaled down to the conditional universe of $B$.

Discrete random variable: A random variable $X$ is a function $g: \Omega → A$ where $A$ is a subset of $\mathbb{R}$ and $\Omega$ is the sample space. Think of $X$ as taking on input values in $\Omega$ with a certain probability and providing a corresponding meaningful output. For example: we have a set of students and we want to measure their weights. The set of students is our sample space $\Omega$. $W$ could be a random variable that takes any student in this set as input, and outputs a weight value associated with the student. The more frequently a weight value is seen, the more probability it has of occurring.

Probability mass function (PMF): A function $f: A → [0, 1]$ where $A$ is the subset of values that $X$ takes on, as given above. We usually use the notation $P(X = x)$ where $x\ \epsilon\ A$.

Cumulative distribution function (CDF): In terms of our notation, it is the function $P(X \le x)$. 

A random variable $X$ is geometric if it adheres to the properties of the geometric distribution.

3. The Geometric Probability Mass Function

A geometric random variable $X$ represents the number of trials it takes for an event of interest to occur. Each trial is independent and has no bearing on the others. $X$ takes on the values $1$, $2$, $3$ and so on.

For example, we might want to measure the number of times a coin is tossed until a head appears. Say the heads outcome occurs with probability $p$. This implies that the only other outcome, the tails, happens with probability $1\ – p$. The geometric PMF then takes the form -:

$P(X = x) = (1\ – p)^{x\ – 1}p$

This means that $x\ – 1$ trials failed before the success occurred. Visually, this looks like a downward sloping set of discrete points on the XY plane. The sample space is plotted on the X-axis and the probability of each point is plotted on the Y-axis. The height of a point in this plot tells us how probable it is, and these heights decrease in the form of a geometric progression.

A more contrived example could involve a game with a number of outcomes. One of the outcomes signifies the end of the game. The others force the game to repeat. We are to measure the number of rounds the game takes before it completes.

4. The Geometric Cumulative Distribution Function

The CDF gives us a convenient measure of the probability of input points up to a given baseline $x$. For geometric distributions, it takes on the form -:

$P(X \le x) = 1\ – (1\ – p)^x$

A proof of the above fact follows from taking the summation -:

$ P(X \le x) = \sum_{k = 1}^{x}(1\ – p)^{k\ – 1}p$

                   $ = p\sum_{k = 1}^{x}(1\ – p)^{k\ – 1}$

                   $ = p\frac{1\ –\ (1\ –\ p)^{x\ – 1 + 1}}{1\ –\ (1\ –\ p)}$     [geometric progression]

                   $ = 1\ – (1\ – p)^x$         [cancel out $p$]

5. Expected Value of a Geometric Random Variable

The expectation of a random variable $E[X]$ is fundamentally a weighted average. Each real value in the output set is weighted by the probability that it occurs. If more points in the sample space correspond to a particular output, that output has a greater weightage. It is also called the mean of the distribution. It can be described by the general formula -:

$E[X] = \sum_{k = a}^{b}k\ P(X = k)$

The expectation of a geometric random variable in particular looks like -:

$E[X] = \sum_{k = 1}^{\infty}k\ (1\ – p)^{k\ – 1}p$

This summation has a closed form which we can extract through the use of calculus. We describe this manipulation below. First, note that the sum of an infinite geometric progression can be described as -:

$\sum_{n = 0}^{\infty}x^n = \frac{1}{1\ –\ x}$

Differentiate on both sides with respect to $x$ to get -:

$\sum_{n = 1}^{\infty}nx^{n\ – 1} = \frac{1}{(1\ –\ x)^2}$

Using the above result, we proceed as follows -:

$E[X] = p\sum_{k = 1}^{\infty}k\ (1\ – p)^{k\ – 1}$

           $ = p\frac{1}{(1\ –\ (1\ –\ p))^2}$

           $ = p\frac{1}{p^2}$

           $ = \frac{1}{p}$

6. Variance of a Geometric Random Variable**

The variance of a random variable $Var(X)$ measures the spread of the distribution. It represents the expected average square distance of $X$ from the mean. In general,

$Var(X) = E[(X\ – \mu)^2] = E[(X\ – E[X])^2]$

The variance can also be calculated using the formula -:

$Var(X) = E[X^2]\ – (E[X])^2$

In the case of the geometric distribution, $E[X] = \frac{1}{p}$ and $(E[X])^2 = \frac{1}{p^2}$. It remains to calculate $E[X^2]$. We do this by algebraic manipulation and application of linearity of expectation as follows -:

$E[X^2] = E[X^2\ – X + X] = E[X(X\ – 1) + X] = E[X(X\ – 1)] + E[X]$.

Further, let $1\ – p = q$. Note that $X(X\ – 1)$ is itself a random variable, as it is the function of a random variable. Therefore, it makes sense to be able to calculate its expectation.

$E[X(X\ – 1)] = p\sum_{x = 1}^{\infty}x\ (x\ – 1)\ q^{x\ – 1}$

This is equivalent to writing -:

 $E[X(X\ – 1)] = p\frac{d}{dq}\left (\sum_{x = 1}^{\infty}(x\ – 1)\ q^x \right )$

                         $ = p\frac{d}{dq}\left (q^2\ \sum_{x = 2}^{\infty}(x\ – 1)\ q^{x\ – 2}\right )$

                         $ = p\frac{d}{dq}\left (q^2\ \frac{d}{dq}\left (\sum_{x = 2}^{\infty}q^{x\ – 1}\right )\right )$

                         $ = p\frac{d}{dq}\left (q^2\ \frac{d}{dq}\left (\sum_{x = 1}^{\infty}q^{x}\right )\right )$

                         $ = p\frac{d}{dq}\left (q^2\ \frac{d}{dq}\left (\frac{1}{1\ –\ q}\ – 1\right )\right )$

                         $ = p\frac{d}{dq}\left (q^2\ \left (\frac{1}{(1\ –\ q)^2}\right )\right )$

                         $ = p\ \frac{2q}{(1\ –\ q)^3}$

                         $ = p\ \frac{2(1\ –\ p)}{(1\ –\ (1\ –\ p))^3}$

                         $ = \frac{2\ –\ 2p}{p^2}$

Plugging in this result, we get -:

$Var(X) = E[X(X\ – 1)] + E[X]\ – (E[X])^2$

               $ = \frac{2\ –\ 2p + p\ –\ 1}{p^2}$

               $ = \frac{1\ –\ p}{p^2}$

7. Memorylessness of the Geometric Distribution

An interesting property inherent in the geometric distribution is its memorylessness. If we were to begin observing the experiment after a given number of trials, the remaining trials would follow the same distribution as the trials that have elapsed. It is as if we had started over!

Suppose we start observing after $a$ trials have elapsed, and a further $b$ trials occur. We claim that -:

$P(X \gt a + b | X \gt a) = P(X \gt b)$

To prove this, first note that -:

$P(A | B) = \frac{P(A\ \cap\ B)}{P(B)}$

So we have that -:

$P(X \gt a + b | X \gt a) = \frac{P(X\ \gt\ a + b\ \cap\ X\ \gt\ a)}{P(X\ \gt\ a)}$

But $X \gt a + b \cap\ X \gt a = X \gt a + b$

Therefore we have -:

$P(X \gt a + b | X \gt a) = \frac{P(X\ \gt\ a + b)}{P(X\ \gt\ a)}$

Here we may use the CDF to quickly calculate $P(X \gt x)$ style probabilities.

$P(X \gt x) = 1\ – P(X \le x) = (1\ – p)^x$

Thus we get -:

$P(X \gt a + b | X \gt a) = \frac{(1\ –\ p)^{a + b}}{(1\ –\ p)^a} = (1\ – p)^b = P(X \gt b)$

8. Conclusion

In this article, we discussed the various properties of the geometric distribution. We understood which situations can be modelled by this distribution. Further, we algebraically proved each property and underlined what they really mean.

So i graduated from a decent government engineering college in electrical engineering. I always had an inclination towards computer science, and during my bachelors days, used to create websites for fun. I wanted to do m tech in computer science related field, and when i checked the subjects and their syllabus for GATE CSE, i was initially thrilled to be learning such interesting topics, but realized how tough it is going to be for me, someone with basically 0 knowledge about any subject except Data structures and Algorithms.

This is where Gate Overflow came to my rescue. Whenever i couldn’t understand the logic behind any Gate problem, i checked the multiple answers provided by various people, which really helped me develop a general thought process as to how a computer science graduate would tackle this particular problem. By january, i started getting good ranks in online tests, so my confidence grew a lot.

However, on the day of exam, i was in set 2, and i had never seen such a long paper in any of the online tests. I was stunned, and apart from aptitude section, i never really got going. Got 1089 rank in the final results( predictor of gate overflow was really accurate), so wont be getting any of the big IITs and the top 3 NITs most probably. Also, being from Electrical, i dont have much choices in CCMT either. But when i look back at the last year, i learnt more than i did during the entire 4 years of my graduation. Thank you Gate Overflow for teaching me how to tackle logical questions.

Hello everyone.I hope you all are doing well.

Here are my GATE 2021 credentials:

Name-Akshat Kumar




Category-Non EWS General

B.E/B.Tech branch-Printing Engineering

Since I had less chances of getting CDS coursework and was anyway somewhat more inclined towards research, I decided to apply for MTech research.

Firstly,candidates where shortlisted based on their GATE scores for the written test which would be used to shortlist for interviews.Unlike 2020 where cutoff was an astonishingly high 845 GATE score for written test, this year the cut off was a generous 700.

I don’t exactly remember the questions but there were 9 MCQ questions,7 Mathematics(Linear algebra,Probability,Graphs) and 2 Programming.

7th May,2021: Written test:

1 question was on graph plotting,1 question on Baye’s theorem, 2 questions based on Eigen values, 1 question on general probability and 2 questions had all options incorrect as far as I remember. For programming, there was 1 question on spiral traversal of matrix and another was called Dominant Matrix in which we had to find number of rows in which magnitude of diagonal element  was greater than magnitude of all other elements in the row.

The test was conducted on HackerEarth Platform and was 1 hr 15 mins in duration.I attempted all questions except spiral matrix as I didn’t have much time left.

I was shortlisted for interviews after which we had to fill our lab preferences.I filled VCL AND BCL(Visual computing and Biomolecular computation labs). We also had to give Statement of Purpose for each of the labs we wanted to join.

17th May,2021:Interview:

The interview was conducted over Microsoft teams.There were 4 professors in the call.Here is my interview (Ix=interviewer x):

I1:Read out my application form details like GATE score, B.E degree and Labs preferences.


I1:What topics have you come prepared for Akshat?

Me:Sir, linear algebra,probability,DSA and image processing basics.

I1:Starting with linear algebra.Can 2 matrices with different elements have same eigen values?

Me:(after thinking for a moment)Yes sir,

I1:Can you give me an example?

Me: Gave example by keeping major diagonal elements same and using favorable minor diagonal elements,sometimes making Minor diagonal product zero and sometimes making one of the elements as 1.

I1:That is a pretty good example.This is a property of matrix. We write it as A=PBP^(-1).

Me:Oh yes.Isn’t this condition for diagonalizable matrices, sir?

I1:Yes,good observation.Now can you prove that the two matrices A and PBP^(-1) have the same eigen values?

Me:Asked permission for using pen and paper and started thing along the equation A.X=lambda.X

     After few minutes I was able to prove this and showed the solution on camera.

I1:(quite impressed)That is a really good proof. I2 now you can ask him questions.

I2:Are you comfortable with probability?

Me:Yes sir.

I2:Ok,suppose you are in a class of 30 students,what is the probability of having a birthday common with atleast 1 student in the class?

Me:Again used pen and paper.Thought in terms of discrete random variables.Say X represents number of students with whom I have a birthday in common.So basically I need to find P(X>=1) which is same as 1-P(X=0).


So P(X>=1)=1-(364/365)^29.

I was also narrating my steps to I2 while solving.So I gave answer like this.

I2:Good.So what will your answer be approximately.

Me:Sir its a difficult calculation but would be close to 0.99.(Realized my mistake immediately and corrected)Sir actually 364/365^29 is close to 0.99 so probability would be something like 0.01 .

I2:Ok.So now suppose we have 400 students instead of 30.Would the probability increase or decrease?

Me:(A bit confused)Sir i think it would decrease.

I2:Are you sure?

Me:(Realized)No sir, actually since the number of students have increased, there is higher chance of having a common birthday and also 364/365^399 would yield a smaller value so 1-364/365^399 would have a larger value.

I2:Ok good.I3,would you like to ask some programming question(probably because my B.E was in printing XD).

I3:Yes.So can you write a program to find largest and second largest numbers in a given matrix.

Me:Yes sir.First I wrote a code finding largest in one pass and second largest in another pass and narrated the logic to I3.

I3:Ok that’s fine,can you optimize it, like try to do this in one pass.

Me:Did that.And showed the psuedo code on camera.

I3:Ok good.I4 do you have any questions?

I4:No I am fine.

I3:Ok Akshat.Your interview is over.We will now disconnect the call.

Me:Thank you sir.

My interview lasted only about 18 mins including introductions and salutations, which was relatively short,probably because I didn’t struggle much with any of the questions(not boasting).Overall, interview was great and it felt great to be interviewed by the best minds fro one of the best research universities in the world. The professors were very friendly and as far as i felt, will always guide you through if you are stuck with some question.I would definitely recommend Gilbert Strang’s MIT OCW lectures on linear algebra to be thorough with theoretical understanding of the same.First 15 lectures should suffice.

26th May,2021:The provisional shortlist was released and my application number was on the list.I was really happy but still had some fears since there is always some chance that you may not make it to the final list although such chances are less if your interview went quite well like mine.

10th June,2021:Received offer letter in mail at 7:09PM. My happiness  knew no bounds.From B.E in Printing Engineering to AIR 206 in GATE CS/IT followed by M.Tech Research at IISc CDS, what a journey this has been, I imagined as I watched my parents shed tears of happiness :’) .Thank you all. I hope I helped you somewhat and hope to see many of you at IISc next year.Cheers. :D





For 2021 Selection Criteria for IISc CDS: GATE score 70% + 30% written test and interview

Written Test Questions [Total Marks: 40]:    (Time: 1 hour 30 minutes)

There were 5 MCQ Questions, each carrying 5 Marks [5x5=25] from the domain:

  • Linear Algebra (Especially, basic properties of different matrices and eigenvalues)
  • Probability (Classical)
  • Combinatorics
  • Graph Plotting

There were 2 Programming Questions [5+10=15]:

  1. Check if the input array is in strictly non-decreasing order or not. [5 Marks]
  2. The input sample Matrix M is of size n x n. Given, Filter Matrix W is of size m x m. Perform Convolution and find out the output matrix C of size (n-2) x (n-2). [10 Marks]

Interview Experience:



Primary Interactions:

  • First, they have read out my application, asked about the choices and preference order of departments.
  • Then I was asked about my GPA.
  • Next, they asked me about my future plans and favourite subjects.


  1. All the elements of a NxN matrix are 1. Can you guess at least one eigen value, quickly? Give reason in support of your answer.
  2. I is an identity matrix of size NxN. U is a column vector of size Nx1. It is given, $U^TU\neq O$ and $UU^T$ is of size NxN. The following equation holds: $[I - \alpha [UU^T]]U = - U$ where $\alpha$ is a scalar. Find the value of scalar $\alpha$ and also show the derivation.
  3. Write an efficient algorithm to find out the multiplication of a Diagonal Matrix and an Anti-diagonal matrix of size NxN. 
GATE Score (2021): 646   
GPA: 9.53 (Linear Average upto 6th Semester, during the time of interview)
Category: SC
Result: Selected
My gate score 593

Btech percentage was 81.38. the cutoff for self sponsored category was 80% in BTech.

My interview was on Webex,Their were two professors in the panel.

professor 1:

1. tell me about yourself? ( told and i also told them about my fav subjects algo , os and linear algebra) are given an array of length 'n'. How will you find the maximum and minimum element in the given array.( they shared me a link , where I had to write the pseudocode of this.)


3.what is Bankers algorithm?


4.will there be a deadlock if system is in unsafe state?


5.what is the fundamental difference between a Process and a Thread? which direction heap and stack grows?


Professor 2:


1.what is big O notation? can you formally define what is the big O of a function?


2. what is the time complexity of Dijkstra's algorithm?derive.
I am Revanth ,with Gate Rank:2836 and Score-561 Category -GEN-EWS

IITJ has above 600 cutt off for with fellowship Category or Via COAP- so I applied via self sponsored mode for CS and With out Fellowship for AI I got shortlisted for both categories and both interviews happened at same time.

Interview Experience,

1-  Introduce Yourself ?

2-  What is your preference CS/AI ?

3-  Programming question-Find Second Largest Number in Array on Single Go(Single For Loop Logic) ?

4- What is Use of Pointers ?

5-  What is Difference Between Primary and Secondary Memory ?

6-  What is Fastest Memory in Computer System ?

7- What is Bayes Theorem?

Note- They did not ask me about Favorite subjects in the beginning they directly jumped to ask Questions.

Cutt off:

 Self Sponsored CS  >70 for Gen-EWS

Without fellowship -CS- >540 for Gen-EWS  and  AI – >465 for Gen-EWS
This was my third GATE attempt


I would first like to thank all the writers of GATEOVERFLOW who have written such brilliant answers and offcourse Arjun sir for making this site a huge success/

I joined GATEOVERFLOW in june month last year, it has been one year, and right now, this is the time, you can make your own success story.

I would like to share that, I have been offered seat at IIIT Delhi MTECH CSE, and two interviews are scheduled for me in the upcoming week, one is MTECH CSE IIT JODHPUR and one is IIT BOMBAY MTECH EE Research Assistant.


I have accepted seat at IIIT DELHI and I am feeling so good

Thank you arjun sir for everything. Words are less to thank you.


motivational story

I passed 12th in 2014
Then I took a drop year for jee mains prep.
I wasted my time there.
then I joined a lower IP University College
I was very low and didn't know why I am doing engineering at first.

during coaching from 2014 to 2015 I learnt that physics and chemistry is not my cup of tea
I honestly don't know why I joined computer science and engineering.
but in the fourth semester, something interesting happened.

I started learning graph theory, algorithms design and analysis, theory of computation, databases, discrete maths etc and started to fall in love with computer science.
from failing jee mains two times with marks 25, 64 in years 2014,2015 respectively

I somehow managed to get 1st rank in College for the very first time in my life.
I still get nostalgic about that day.
then I again topped in sixth semester
by this time I was already teaching algorithms on my youtube channel.
I didn't know something big is about to come.
in the seventh semester I got first rank in university among 1900 students

Gave gate exam three times in year 2019,2020,2021 with AIR 5777,10917 AND 1922 respectively.

So moral of the story is


Without this platform and the people behind it working tirelessly to maintain its quality (including all the good people in the FB group), I would not have been able to succeed. I’m not the typical applicant – I graduated in 2014 and have 5+ years of product startup experience. I had to start preparation from scratch in 2019, and by scratch, I really mean from zero – I graduated with CS BTech from tier 3 and my CS background was nowhere close to the level needed by IITs. Thanks to Bikram Ballav’s “what to read” series, I could even begin to build the necessary background for GATE. I really enjoyed studying computer science and it gave me an enlightened perspective on my past work experience as well (a lot of things clicked!).

I took GATE the second time this year, managed to scrape by with a rank of 658 and gave the MS interviews at Bombay and Madras, and cracked Bombay (Madras results pending as of now). Getting Bombay was especially sweet after I thought I had bombed the interview. My initial goal was IISc CSA research and I did not clear its cutoff, but I don’t feel so bad about it right now.

I will probably add much more detail to my journey in a different post. All I know is that I will cherish this journey for a lifetime.

Thank you, GO.

PS: The resources I used are listed here.