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I received an email on 14th May from the program coordinator at IIT Indore saying that I had been shortlisted for the interview round. My interview was scheduled for 17th May between 2:30 PM to 5:30 PM.

Now, after my GATE results, I was a little heartbroken knowing that I wouldn’t make it to the IITs but I had consoled myself with the hope of getting into something like IIIT Bangalore. When I got the email though, I quickly realized that I was very ill-prepared for any technical interview as I had not studied anything GATE-related after 13th February. So I took a one-day leave from an internship I am doing and started going through GeeksForGeeks and this site to prepare DSA and OS over the weekend.

From OS, I mostly studied deadlocks and I went through some typical competitive coding problems for DSA. Little did I know what was in store for me. 

Fast forward to 2:30 PM on 17th May. I wore a shirt and sat down in front of my laptop. The call came at 3:45 PM and the person on the other side informed me that I was going to be sent a Google Meet link and to join it after a second call. The second call came at 4:30 PM.

When I joined, I saw 4 people in the panel. Everyone’s mics and camera were turned off except for the mic of the main interviewer (we’ll call him P1), who I recognized as the admission program coordinator. The two others were professors and the fourth person was the one who called me.

P1: Hi Anirban. Give us a short introduction of yourself.

Me: (Talked about who I am, my current educational background and why I want to pursue research in AI, and what I have done so far)

P1: Okay. Tell me about your B.Tech Project.

[My project is based on using Computer Vision for ad detection. I spoke about it in detail and the interviewer seemed quite interested. For the next 10 minutes, we discussed only this. He asked me for details about how I implemented some things and what error detection measures I had built in. Basically, we had a nice conversation about my project and in the end, he even suggested some ways in which I could make it even better.]

P1 : (gesturing me to the second interviewer). Sir, would you like to ask any questions? (Handed me over to P2)

P2 : So are you familiar with the faculty at IIT Indore?

Me: Yes, sir. I know that (named two of the interviewers on the panel, one of them being P1 himself) have published some incredible research papers in the field of image detection AI. (I also knew that P1 had worked with biometric verification using AI methods, so mentioned that).

P2 : Okay, great. (Handed me back to P1)

P1 : Okay, Anirban. So can I ask you a simple maths question? (I said yes). Okay, so imagine you have a dice and the probability of getting a 1 is p, the probability of getting a 2 is p², and so on. How do we calculate the value of p?

Me : (Answering that it would be a geometric progression equation where p+p²+p³+….=1 and then we can use the sum of GP formula to shorten it. Was about to try to solve it on paper when P1 said….)

P1 : Okay, I think you get the idea. (Told me a method to solve for higher polynomial powers). Do you have any questions for us?

Me : (Asked about what material I should follow to further my knowledge in image processing AI. I mentioned that I already have some personal projects and an internship, and about how I am trying to learn Linear Algebra in-depth from Gilbert Strang’s MIT OCW series and its applications in AI)

P1: (Told me how I must never forget the basics of AI and neural nets, and to solve sums for the Gilbert Strang book to make my Linear Algebra stronger. Finally….) Thank you, Anirban. You may disconnect now.

So that was my interview and I got the offer in the first round. My main take-away for those aspiring for a master's in CSE is that the subjects in B.Tech or GATE should not be your end-all-be-all. If you are going for masters for anything other than purely placement reasons, be sure to invest some time pursuing Machine Learning or Competitive Coding or Full-Stack Development, or whatever it is about Computer Science that you’re interested in, during your B.Tech years. Not only would you be better suited for placements if that’s what you wanna go for but it will also greatly help boost your chances in master's interviews and give you a decent head-start in your curriculum ahead.

I prepared for GATE starting from April 2020, without any coaching or even standard books. I learned pretty much everything that I needed to know from Gate Overflow, GeeksforGeeks, Stack Overflow, and free RBR lectures. Now would I have secured a better rank with formal coaching? Maybe. But I didn’t want to be spoon-fed stuff in a classroom to learn something that I knew I could learn by myself for a fraction of the cost and at my own pace. All told, my total investment behind GATE is about Rs. 2000. 1500 for MadeEasy + AceAcademy test series and 500 for a 30-years GATE question bank from Amazon.


Greetings to all, I am Animesh. I have appeared in GATE 2021 and my gate score was 742 with a rank of 447 General Cat. Here I am posting various questions asked from me in different interviews for MS/M.Tech Research courses.

Note: My interest lies in Machine Learning and AI, that’s why I prepared Linear algebra along with basics of ML for these interviews.

  1. IISC Quantum Technology M.Tech interview questions : [This was a new course started by IISC this year(2021), and I had no prior experience in this Quantum Tech field, so I appeared in this interview just for the sake of experience]
  2. IIT Bombay MS TA interview questions :
  3. IIT Madras MS interview questions :

I will be adding few other interview experiences(IISC CDS, IIT Bombay MS RAP etc) soon.


Some memory based questions:

  1. Time complexity to find the maximum element in the min heap and explain the method?
  2. Given an array of length $n$ and a number $x$ find out two such elements in the array such that their sum is equal to the number $x.$
  3. Given an array of length $n,$ find two numbers such that their sum is equal to the rest of $n-2$ elements if there exist such case?
  4. Two linked lists are given and due to programming error end node of first linked list is now pointing to some node of second linked list, how will you find that node? and you don't know which one is $1^{\text{st}}$ linked list and which one is $2^{\text{nd}}.$ The data values are not distinct.
  5. Define joint probability in terms of conditional probability?
  6. How will you find a cycle in a directed graph? some questions on forward edge and back edge.
  7. Sort an array of $n$ elements with k distinct elements optimally. How will you find the distinct elements in the array optimally
  8. A $n\ast n$ matrix is given such that $A_{ij} = A_{ji},$ what will be the rank of this matrix?
  9. How many different values a random variable can take with zero variance and why?
  10. Prove that a directed acyclic graph has atleast one vertex with zero indegree.
  11. Various ways to solve subset sum . Variations of the same problem.
  12. Algorithm to get maximally connected graph having two components.
  13. Suppose we have $A\ast B.$ If we know determinant of $A$ is $1.$ What can we tell about Rank of $A\ast B$ in terms of $B.$
  14. Give $O(k\log k)$ algorithm for finding $k$ minimum element.
  15. Prove two vertices of a graph have same degree.

Bharati Padhy, $\text{Gate}\; 2020, \text{GS-}624, \text{AIR-}1531, \text{Jest}\; (2020)\; \text{AIR-}75$

Some memory based questions:

  1. Yourself
  2. Write a program to find the $2^\text{nd}$ minimum number from an array in one pass.
  3. CMMI Levels
  4. Difference between Production environment and Deployment Environment.
  5. You have given some ingredients and you have to make a recipe out of it. Using graph theory terms explain this scenario how you will do it.
  6. If a matrix is invertible then what can you say about it. How to take inverse of a matrix

Bharati Padhy, $\text{Gate}\; 2020, \text{GS-}624, \text{AIR-}1531, \text{Jest}\; (2020)\; \text{AIR-}75$

Some memory based questions:

  1. Yourself
  2. Why Data Science?
  3. If you have n numbers how many bits are required to present that numbers?
  4. If you have a matrix of $3\times 3$ which is not invertible then what you will say about the Rank of that matrix.
  5. How many probability distribution function are there which you know?
  6. Explain Binomial distribution? Mean and variance?
  7. In which distribution Mean and variance are same?
  8. You have given a number; you have to find the number of digits which are divisible by $3.$ Eg. If number is $123$ then it should return $1$ as output as only $3$ is divisible by $3.$
  9. What is the complexity to find a number from BST.
  10. You have a bidirectional graph max number of edges in that graph?
  11. You have $2$ events $A$ and $B. P(A)=0.6, P(B)=0.7$ what you can say about it disjoint event or dependent? Axioms of probability.
  12. There is a person $A,$ who has $2$ kids. If the first child is girl then what is the probability that $2^{\text{nd}}$ child is also girl.

Bharati Padhy, $\text{Gate}\; 2020, \text{GS-}624, \text{AIR-}1531, \text{Jest}\; (2020)\; \text{AIR-}75$

Some memory based questions:

  1. How many Prime numbers are there in universe?
  2. How will you prove that there are infinite prime numbers?
  3. You have given an empty stack which can hold atmost $3$ elements, what will be the top of stack after following operations: Push $6,$ Push $4,$ Push $1,$ Push $5,$ Pop, Pop
  4. n=10
  5. How many maximum regions will be there when we draw $19$ lines on the plane?

  6. You have a binary tree with $n_{1}$ vertices of degree $1, n_{2}$ vertices of degree $2, n_{3}$ vertices of degree $3.$ Explain $n_{3}$ in terms of $n_{1}$ or $n_{2}.$

  7. do {
Prof - Hello , Please introduce yourself .

Me - Introduced .

Prof - Given an array can you write code to find minimum and maximum of array .

Me - Yes Sir

Here is the code I had written -
int max=arr[0];
int min=arr[0];
for(int i=1;i<n;i++)
   else if(a[i]>max)

Prof- Can you optimisze this code So that number of comparisons are reduced ?
Me - I started explaining Tournament Approach . In which total number of comparisons to
find minimum and maximum elements of array is (3n/2 -2) .

But the way I explained was
not very clear to interviewer . They kept asking me how you are approaching it . I told them
to divide the array into two parts of size n/2 then form min and max array . And then take maximum
from max and minimum from min . This part confused interviewers and the whole interview almost
revolved around this topic .
Prof - Can you write code to construct a node for Binary search tree .
Me - written .
There were some minor  mistakes I was doing while writing the code they pointed out and ask me to correct.

I used malloc in my code to which one professor asked

Prof- Why malloc is used ? What does this function do here.
Me- To allocate memory in heap for variables .

Prof - What does calloc function do ?
Me - It provides contigous memory in heap just like an array .

Prof- In this code can we use calloc instead of malloc ?
Me - Yes sir we can . (explained)

Prof - Now insert some nodes inside this BST . Explain algorithm only .
Me - Explained

Prof - Whenever you will insert any node do you have to change or update any internal nodes pointers.
of this BST ?
Me - No sir , Because this is a Binary search tree which is not required to be balanced . So each
time a node is inserted as a leaf node . So no need to update or change any internal nodes . If tree was
suppose AVL then updation is required .
I don't think my min-max approach was clear to them . Because even in last they were discussing about it . Professor asked me that are u doing pair-wise comparison and I said No in hurry .
After some instant one professor said that he is explaining same thing .

Prof - Okay , your interview is over now . Do you want to ask anything ?
Me - No sir.

Prof - It was nice to talk to you . We will announce results in next week. all the best.

Interview duration was around 30 minutes . Although I did some
mistakes as I was in pressure . But was very nice experience

Bharati Padhy, $\text{Gate}\; 2020, \text{GS-}624, \text{AIR-}1531, \text{Jest}\; (2020)\; \text{AIR-}75$

Some memory based questions:

1. $R_{1}$ and $R_{2}$ are equivalence relation then which of the following is true?

  1. $R_{1} \cup R_{2}$ is equivalence
  2. $R_{1} \cap R_{2}$ is not equivalence
  3. $R_{1} \cap R_{2}$ is not transitive
  4. None of the above

2. $C(n,k)$ means choosing $k$ numbers from $n$ numbers. Write the recurrence relation for this:

  1. $C(n,k) = C(n-1,k-1) + C(n-1,k)$
  2. $C(n,k) = C(n-1,k-1) + C(n-1,k)$
  3. $C(n,k) = C(n-1.k) + C(n,k-1)$
  4. $C(n,k) = C(n,k-1) + C(n-1,k)$

3. $N\times N$ grid which has $n^2$ cells, you have to travel from bottom left corner to the top right corner. You can take only up and right path. How many such path possible?

  1. $(2n)!/n! n!$
  2. $n^2$
  3. $C(2n,n)$
  4. $n(n-1)/2$

4. There are n guests in a party. Each and every person in the party will handshake with each other exactly once. How many distinct handshakes possible. Recurrence relation?

  1. $T(n) = T(n-1) +1$
  2. $T(n) = 2T(n-1)$
  3. $T(n) = T(n-1) + T(n-2)$
  4. $T(n) = T(n-1) + n-1$

5. Number of relations which are reflexive and symmetric both.

  1. $2^C(n,2)$
  2. $2^P(n,2)$
  3. $2^((n^2+n)/2)$
  4. $2^n$


while(1) {
    int *I = (int *) malloc (sizeof(int));
printf(“Hello world”);
  1. Hello world
  2. Segmentation fault
  3. Infinite loop
  4. Stack overflow

7. There is a polynomial time function which calls constant times some other functions which also take polynomial time what is the total complexity?

  1. Polynomial
  2. Exponential
  3. Super exponential
  4. None

8. NP problem is best known as

  1. It is decidable in polynomial time
  2. It is verifiable in polynomial time
  3. It have an algorithm of exponential time
  4. It does not have any algorithm

9. There is a polynomial with highest degree $2.$

 $\begin{array}{c c c c c} X & 1 & 2 & 3 & 4 \\ F(X) & 3 & ? & 13 & 21 \end{array}$

 Find value of $f(2)$

  1. ____
  2. $25/3$
  3. ____
  4. None

10. Find the remainder of $7^{222} \mod 11$

  1. $7$
  2. $5$
  3. $2$
  4. $0$

11. What is the size of page table if CPU generates $32$ bit address, page size is $4$ KB and PTE size is $4$ Byte.

  1. $8$ MB
  2. $2$ MB
  3. $4$ MB
  4. ____

12. You have $m$ resources $,n$ process competing for them each having $j$ number of resources requirement(consider all $m,n$ and $j$ are positive). Find the proper inequality which MUST ensure freedom from deadlock

  1. $M=n+j+1$
  2. $(m-1)>= n(j-1)$
  3. ____
  4. ____

13. Which of the following is/are true

  1. $\text{L1}$ cache is generally faster than $\text{L2}$ cache
  2. $\text{L1}$ cache is generally smaller than $\text{L2}$ cache
  3. $\text{L2}$ is generally faster than middleware
  4. RAM is faster than $\text{L1}$ cache

14.Which of the following is/are false

  1. Preemptive schedule means longer delay for the shorter processes.
  2. Round robin scheduling follows FIFO
  3. In SJF we need prior knowledge of process running time
  4. SRTF is a non-preemptive version of SJF

15.Which of the following is/are true

  1. There is no polynomial time algorithm to find the graph is Euler is not
  2. There is a polynomial time algorithm to find the graph is Hamiltonian
  3. Dijsktra’s all pair shortest path algorithm will not work properly when there is a negative edge.
  4. None of the above

Bharati Padhy, $\text{Gate}\; 2020, \text{GS-}624, \text{AIR-}1531, \text{Jest}\; (2020)\; \text{AIR-}75$

Some memory based questions:

  1. Brief intro
  2. DSA which area?
  3. Define complete binary tree?
  4. Heap data structure explain?
  5. In heap sort - how many times you do build heap?
  6. Heapify - with complexity?
  7. Build heap complexity?
  8. Definition of graph and tree?
  9. Definition of forest?
  10. Minimum number of trees require to make a forest?
  11. Difference between malloc and calloc?
  12. Null and void in C, can we compare them?
  13. In an array complexity to find an element which is neither min nor maximum?
  14. Complexity to find $2$ such elements which are neither min or max.
  15. Complexity to find a min element from an array.
  16. Applications of stack?
  17. Recurrence relation of linear search, Merge sort, Binary search with complexities.
  18. Explain $\Theta(n)$ in merge sort?
  19. Prove $\cos^2\theta+\sin^2\theta=1$
  20. Qsn on pigeon hole principal
  21. What is conditional probability?
  22. Bayes theorem?

My name is Himanshu Kumar, I got AIR 38 (899 score) in GATE CS 2021, This was my second attempt with full-time preparation. In GATE CS 2020 my rank was 1491.  


First of all, I would like to thank my parents for giving me the freedom to do anything, especially to bear me and support me. Our parents work extremely hard to give us a better life. And also, thank all my friends, teachers, Special thank to Arjun Sir for this awesome platform, and all other seniors and aspirants on GO. 


A little bit of my background ( 10+3+3) 

I graduated in 2020 from ITM Aligarh which comes under AKTU U.P. It was Tier - 4 college, I got admission there without any entrance exam in the 2nd year. In those 6 years (3 years of polytechnic & 3 years of B.Tech) I always tend to study one night before the exam. Though I was getting decent CPI (thanks to YouTube).

After my 10th, I took admission in 3 yrs. Polytechnic course, and then the lateral entry in B.Tech. That's why my basics of Maths are too weak, I did not know anything about probability and linear algebra till I encountered them in a test series (Yes, it is looking funny, But it's reality). 

I was never great in the study not because I couldn’t understand the concepts but because I lacked hard work and discipline.  

I guess this is enough introduction for me, I’ll get to the point now… 


 "DREAM big. START small. START now."


Tips for Students who did Diploma + Engineering 

click here


GATE 2020 

I decided to appear for GATE somewhere around September 2018 but didn't actually start preparing for it until June 2019. In 8 months, I was able to complete 2 subjects one was Algorithms by reading CLRS and another one was Compiler Design (as this was in my 6th sem). 

After my 2 months of the summer internship, I started my Gate preparation. I read different blogs on the internet and watched some interviews of toppers, then I planned to appear for GATE 2020 without any coaching. 

I followed the free lectures of some coaching institutes and neither did any revision nor solved PYQ at least once. As I was in the 7th sem, so my 1 month got wasted due to exams and college work. I only gave 5-6 full mock tests before the exam and I had no strategy to attempt the GATE 2020 paper. As a result, I was not able to complete 2nd pass in those 3 hours. 

I got 52.33 marks, Rank - 1491. 


"Everything you need will come at the Perefct time."


JEST 2020 

This is another way to pursue MTech(Research) from IISc. Even though I had no idea about the research, I filled the form and also attempted the exam. The JEST exam was on next Sunday after GATE 2020, and in 7 days I didn't open my notes or any book. Without any preparation, I went to attempt the paper and as a result, I was not able to solve any Part B (subjective) question with confidence. 

According to the result of Part A, my rank was AIR 35 and my marks were 44/75. After analyzing the previous year's cut-off, I was sure (the optimistic level at peak :p) I will get a call from IISc for an Interview. I planned to prepare for the interview but wasn't able to study/concentrate. At last, interviews were scheduled in online mode. I did not get an interview call from IISc. 



BARC 2020 

The BARC's exam was scheduled for 14-18 march 20 (before lockdown). I was prepared a little bit for this. After the exam, I was very confident about it, But the Failure was not easily escaping me. My normalized marks were - 174.40, Actual marks were - 181.00, Cut-off was- 183.00. 

Again FAILED (Yes, by a small margin, but at the end, Pass/Fail matters) 


PGEE 2020 

After failing in GATE 2020, I also filled the PGEE. My last hope was PGEE, Due to covid and lockdown, I was not sure whether the exam will be scheduled or not. I was not able to concentrate on my study. But at last, the exam was scheduled for 24th June and I was not able to clear it. 



"Don't rush anything. When the time is right it'll happen."

What made me drop and prepare again? 

I knew that I had the capability to do well in GATE and my marks weren’t an accurate reflection of my preparation level. So I decided to take a drop. For this reason, I did not sit for campus placements, because I did not want to have a second thought if I had a placement in my hand. I left no choice for myself other than a drop or taking some college with this rank only. That's why I didn't register myself in CCMT. But inside, I was also afraid of FAILING again. 


"Some times you don't get what you want, Because you deserve better."


GATE 2021 

Finally, In May I decided to take a drop and prepare for GATE 2021 by only studying from standard books and without any coaching (Yes, after failing too many times, I decided to not enroll in any coaching again). So, firstly I analyzed my mistakes. 


My mistakes in GATE 2020...

The first mistake I made was not solving PYQs. 

I had no strategy to attempt the GATE exam. 

I skipped Maths, aptitude, and COA completely. 

I didn't analyze my tests. My goal was to give more and more tests only. 


Steps to sort out my mistakes... 

I researched for 10-15 days and gathered all my study material for the preparation. For this, I referred to GO, found almost everything I needed. Read blogs of toppers and filtered out books and video lectures. 


My schedule for preparation for GATE 2021? 

I started slowly around 5 to 6 hours a day, enjoyed the rest of the time, used to watch some movie or spend time with family, then boosted up my preparation in August to approx. 10-11 hrs. per day. Now, given that I was taking a drop, I had the entire day to give to my study. However, I never tried to study more than 10-11 hours a day, because I knew that it wasn’t feasible over a 6 months period for me. 

So as a result of that, my routine used to be something like this- 

Wake up at 6 am by my Mother, and then my day used to start after her tea. 

07 am to 10 am - Learn New concepts. 

11 am to 01 pm - Clear the Concepts 

01 pm to 03 pm - Lunch + power nap(I never compromised with my sleep) 

03 pm to 05 pm - PYQs + Practice 

07 pm to 09 pm - Aptitude + Maths

10 pm to 12 am - Revision. 

This schedule was continued till November and completed all syllabus. 

I took a break of 5-10 mins after 45 to 50 minutes. and a long break after 3 hours. I never study continues till 3 hours except giving mock. 


Resources that I followed

You can find them here.


Revision strategy 

I used 2 strategies for revision - 

1) Read my full notes (As I was a noob in taking notes, so whatever I feel was important, I wrote down on my notes, so my notes were very lengthy). Reading full notes is very boring for me, as you know the concept and you have to read that thing repeatedly. 

2) Solve PYQs and If I was stuck then Go to my notes and read it, and then solve all questions from PYQs, book's exercise, assignments of top universities. If I found any difficulties in solving those questions then I read the books or googled those topics, read the complete discussion on GO(worked in 90% cases, thanks to all seniors). 

2nd approach is better, it helps us to find our weak areas. But after some time we should read our full notes to brush up on all the concepts. 


Last 2 months 

It was a very crucial time for me as I was a dropper without any alternative. I was neither an expert in CP nor had any Good project. But thanks to my family and friends for supporting me in a tough time and motivating me. I always enjoy learning new concepts and solving questions. Even though my schedule was a little bit hectic but I enjoyed it. 

I changed my schedule and increased my study time (12-13 hrs.), by compromising on other activities (not sleep time). As my syllabus was complete, my main focus was on practice, revision, analyzing my weak areas, improve my speed and accuracy, solve all "*" marked questions, and give tests on alternative days. 

This was the time when I felt too down and my stress level was at a peak and at that time, I wished that I hadn’t prepared for GATE at all and just taken up a random shitty job in campus placement. 


Approach to attempt mock 

After doing experiments, I came up with a final strategy. 

Solve exam in 3 passes. Start from the Technical section, read questions, if I can solve it, within 1 minute then I will try it, otherwise mark it for review according to the difficulty level. So that after 30 minutes, I have a complete idea about the exam, whether it is hard or easy. 

Then I will Solve all "mark for review" questions and then in the last pass when I am left with around 1 hour I will solve the aptitude section and revisit the answered questions to verify and increase my accuracy and then will give a try to lengthy questions. 


"Consistency is harder when no one is clapping for you. You must clap for yourself during those times, you should always be your biggest fan."


JAN 2021 

As admit card was released and I got the morning slot (Thanks to IIT B).

I used to give a full mock test in the morning slot and used to analyze my mistakes in the other half of the day. I used to make a lot of silly mistakes, some of those were typing mistakes (even after lots of practice I also did a mistake in GATE 21, lost my crucial 2 marks as no one can be so perfect), ignoring "NOT" and calculation mistakes. 

After 15th Jan, I experimented on my exam solving strategy, I used to give full mock or PYQ (as mock) in 2-2.4 hrs., which resulted in increasing my speed and also improved my accuracy. But the score went down as a result I slipped back to 50+ Rank from a single-digit Rank.

The number of incorrect questions was around 12-18 (half of them were silly mistakes). It was frustrating for me. I was a dropper and I didn't want to repeat the same mistake again in Gate 2021. I also prepared a notebook of my mistakes and you will surprise I filled a whole register with my mistakes, I used to revise my mistakes in the morning and used to promise myself that I will not do those mistakes again, It helped me a lot. 


"Before something great happens everything falls apart." 


FEB 2021 

As other streams paper were scheduled in the first week of Feb. IIT B surprised us by shuffling the questions, even though it was mentioned on IIT B's official website but we didn't read those instructions (I also saw those instructions after seeing the review of other streams). Those reviews increased my stress a lot. Even though, I had solved questions as they appear and skip accordingly. But the thing which relaxed me was the number of MSQ in their exam. But I had a strong feeling that the number of MSQ will be more for us.


4 days before exams 

I revisited all "*" marked questions/blogs on GO and also the "incorrect attempt" section. I gave mock-5 (GO) on 9th Feb and got around 70 marks, which increased my confidence as the question was shuffled in this mock test( You will not find me in the toppers list as the answer was also shuffled after I refreshed the exam page). 

At that time, I decided I will not give any mock tests. After revising my mistakes I realized I should go for one more test to improve my speed and accuracy. 

And on 11th Feb I chose a mock, test by Ruturaj, one of the toughest tests on GO. Before the test, I decided I will attempt this exam in 2.5 hrs and If I would be able to get 50+ marks then I m ready for any level of the Exam. I got around 60 marks. 


The D-Day 

I sat on my system at 8:50 am and then my stress level started increasing with time. This time I had a proper approach to attempt the exam. I started with the Technical part and started reading the question and skipped accordingly In the starting I encountered 3-4 questions from the Maths section, that probability question (parameter of distribution) hit me hard, the situation got a little bit tensed now, there was only darkness in front of my eyes. I took a sip of water and then started reading questions again and thankfully I solved the next 2-3 questions in the chosen time, and the things started going in my favor.

In 30 mins, I got an idea about the exam that the paper was not too hard but it was lengthy as the number of MSQ is too much. So, I must take care of both my speed and accuracy. In those 30 mins, I solved 4-5 questions only.

I started my 2nd pass and it continued for 1.5 hours then went to the aptitude section and gave 15 minutes. Again, went to the technical section and solved 5-6 questions most of them were lengthy or MSQ. Then revisited the answered questions and checked the solution. Fortunately, I found 2-3 silly mistakes.

So finally, I attempted 60 questions. 49 were correct, in those 11 incorrect questions, 10 were MSQ or NAT. Got only 0.66 -ve mark due to the aptitude section, ticked the wrong option in hurry :(


Final result 

The first official answer key released, and I lost my 2.66 marks in that debatable question. My stress level got increased, I didn't want to lose a single mark on that question, after debating and challenging, finally, we won. 

I got 73.33 marks in set 1, before normalization. 




Some tips for future GATE aspirants: 

  • Finish your syllabus thoroughly as soon as possible. (lays the foundation).
  • Make sure you are strong in basics, no need to waste time on advanced topics, just adhere to the syllabus (most important).
  • Never compare your marks with your friends. 
  • Never compare Test Series marks with Actual Exam.
  • Do not ignore aptitude and Maths if possible do it as early as possible. 
  • Do not leave any subject. Don’t go into too much depth of any subject.
  • Be regular in your studies. Study for neither 15 hrs nor 0 hrs in a day.
  • Revise as much as you can – first revision after 7 days, second after 14-15 days of the first revision, then after a month, and then monthly.
  • Learn, Test, Analyze & Improve.
  • Sleep for 8hrs/day.
  • Be prepare for everything. What I mean is don't assume that your paper will be easy or tough.  
  • Give lots of mock tests and analyze them properly. 
  • Analyze each test properly by checking all mistakes and unsolved questions.
  • Make a notebook of your all mistakes and categorized mistakes as Silly, Conceptual, or typing mistakes.
  • Leave substitution, elimination, etc. methods for the Final exam. Do not practice them in mock tests.
  • Don’t follow any topper’s advice blindly (not even mine). 
  • Prepare your own notes. 
  • Remember “All late nights and early mornings will pay off”.
To all GATE aspirants, NEVER UNDERESTIMATE your ability to succeed. Remember to LEARN, TEST, ANALYZE & IMPROVE. All the very best!!

If anyone has any queries, feel free to ask.

We were shortlisted for the interview based on GATE score. There was no written test. The interviews were conducted on the 24th and 25th of May. There was a presentation before this where the HoD of the CSE department at IIT Madras explained everything about the MS and PhD programs and patiently fielded questions for about an hour.

They called me on my phone while the interview of the person before me was going on and told me to be ready. I joined in 10 minutes when they called again.

There was a panel of 6 professors out of which 3 interacted with me. The first professor asked for my introduction as is standard. The second professor shared a Codeshare link with me and began my interview. The question: write a function to find the top 3 (maximums) of a large array. The array is not pre-sorted and sorting is not allowed.

I asked if any time complexity requirements had to be heeded, and the prof asked me to go ahead and write a simple function. I wrote three loops, each to find the first, second and third maximums of the array. He expected me to have done it one loop, and started saying that I had a bug in my code, but then noticed the 3 loops and went “Oh. You’ve written three”.

He then asked me to do it in one loop. I thought for a bit and he gave me a hint: find the top 3 amongst the first 3 elements of the array and carry it on across the array. After a bit of light discussion, I wrote the right code.

After this, the third professor unmuted himself and entered the discussion. He asked me about my choice of linear algebra and I mentioned that I had selected graph mining as my research topic, which was under intelligent systems, so prepared linear algebra as the area needs it as a basic subject.

P: What topics do you know in linear algebra?
Me: Elimination, rank, subspaces of a matrix, vector spaces and subspaces, determinants, eigenvalues and eigenvectors…

(Unlike my IIT Bombay interview, this time I had come prepared)

P: Let's start with vector spaces. What is a vector space? What is a subspace?

Me: Defined both of them, explained their properties.

P: Is the zero vector part of a vector space?

We had a bit of back and forth on this, and then he asked me that since I mentioned that a vector space is described by the span of its basis, I could make the scalars $0$ and would get the zero vector, to which I said yes.

He mentioned how vector spaces have other properties and I suddenly remembered – mentioned distributivity, associativity, and he said yes.

P: Suppose we have a matrix equation $Ax = b$. $x$ is a column vector, $b$ is their product. What can you tell me about this?
Me: (reciting Gilbert Strang in my head) $Ax = b$ is solvable only when $b$ is in the column space of $A$.

P: Very good. So let’s suppose $b$ is not in the column space of $A$. We now want to solve an equation $A\hat{x} = p$ since $b$ is not there. We want to find a vector that approximately satisfies the requirement. What can you tell me about this situation? Is there a way?

Me: Explained about the concept of projections and derived the equations in chat.

P: Asked a bit more about this, and then asked – how do we know that $A^TA\hat{x} = A^Tb$ is solvable? How do we know the new vector is in the column space of $A$?

Me: Explained about how $b \ – A^T\hat{x}$ or something is in the nullspace of $A^T$ but muddled up what he was asking.

P: Gives a few more hints, asks what the null space of $A^TA$ is.

Me: It’s the same as that of $A$. But I wasn’t sure how that helped.

P: After a while, asked me to check about this offline. Moved to the next topic. Asked whether I can prove that the two nullspaces are equal.

Me: Provided a full proof based on both nullspaces being subsets of each other, which proves that they're equal. He gave me a small hint here too.

P: Wanted to wrap up in interest of time but said “I'll ask you one more question”. Gave me a scenario where we have a large matrix whose eigenvalues we calculated. You give this matrix to a friend and he returns it to you with $1$ added to all the diagonal entries. Will you recalculate all the eigenvalues of the new matrix or is there some other way?

Me: Clarified what he was asking. Then mentioned that recalculation isn't needed. If you add $1$ to the diagonal, it's as if you did $A + I$ where $I$ is identity. And in that case, the eigenvalues increase by $1$.

P: Can you prove this?

Me: Let $Ax = \lambda.x$. Now $(A + I)x = Ax + Ix = Ax + x = \lambda.x + x = (\lambda + 1).x$.

P: Was satisfied.

I thanked everyone and the interview ended here. Around 45 minutes in total (according to the time they called me to join).

We took a 3-hour test on May 2 which was conducted via remote proctoring. The test had 2 subjects extra besides the GATE syllabus – computer graphics and AI. The results were posted on IITB CSE dept’s portal the next day and while theory and computing systems got lesser than the max possible intake, intelligent systems received a lot of applications and they decided to shortlist more candidates in IS than their earlier limit, probably to make up for lesser candidates in the other two categories.

I was shortlisted for RAP and TA. My first interview was with the Cryo-electron microscopy project on May 10, and it was a disaster.


Prof Ajit took the interview. He asked me to give an introduction, what I’d been doing for the past few years after graduation, why I had selected the CEM project (I could not give a good answer), and then finally asked me a linear regression problem. At this point, I had covered only 15 lectures of Gilbert Strang’s LA course, and while I knew about least squares and projection, I could not give the satisfactory ML-style answer that he was looking for. In 10 mins it was over.


Profs PB and PC took this interview on May 11. Nothing could have prepared me for it.

PC took my introduction, and then PB decided to start. They had actually read my SOP, or had it open at that moment, and asked me about my interest in graph mining. He then said let’s start with graphs (I had prepared basic LA and probability), and I knew I was a goner.

PB: What are Euler and Hamiltonian graphs?
Me: Answered

PB: Which problem is the harder of the two?

Me: Explained that Euler circuits can be checked by checking the degrees of the nodes in the graph. Hamiltonian was a known hard problem.

PB: Explain formally what you mean by “hard”.

Me: Tried to explain the concept of reductions but I could not remember the correct direction of the reduction (from or to known NP complete problems).

PB: Asked the time complexity of the reduction.

Me: Could not answer this one.

PB: Said that I should know the correct direction of the reduction, and that many get it wrong. Then decided to ask probability. Asked about the basic axioms of probability and what Bayes’ rule is and what it means.

Me: Explained these.

PB: Asked me about Naive Bayes classifiers and framed a Bayesian problem (“patient has blood vitals, you can consider them probabilities – we want to find whether he has cancer. How will you frame the equation”)

Me: Couldn’t do it because I had no idea how to write naive Bayes stuff.

I can’t remember what else PB asked me, but right after that, he said he was done in an authoritative tone (if he had been any more authoritative, I would probably have exited my own house chup chaap, forget about leaving the meeting).

PC started asking about linear algebra. I felt like I still had a chance.

PC: Asked about what orthonormal vectors are.

Me: Explained.

PC: Asked what the main property of an orthogonal matrix is.

Me: Got stumped. It’s $Q^{-1} = Q^T$. He then showed it through row-column dot product of the vectors during matrix multiplication. Safe to say I no longer felt like I had a chance.

PC: Shifted discussion to eigenvalues and eigenvectors. Asked me about what they are.

Me: Explained, although not straight to the point (should have just talked about $Ax = \lambda.x$ instead of saying $x$ is a vector in the nullspace of $A – \lambda.I$).

PC: Asked about geometrical interpretation.

Me: Explained about how it produces a new vector parallel to the earlier one. He said “scaled up/down versions of it” and I agreed.

PC: Asked me about eigenvalues of the inverse of the matrix. Asked me to prove my answer.

Me: Gladly proved how they are $1/\lambda$. Probably the only topic I got right in full.

PC: Asks what happens if the magnitude of eigenvalues is less than 1 and they are repeatedly multiplied with the vector.

Me: Obviously the term vanishes as we approach infinity. (this was probably about the diagonal equation and powers of a matrix – I should have said that n independent eigenvectors are required).

PC: Suddenly starts joking about whether I have lost touch with CS after so many years.

Me: I didn’t even know what to say to that.

Suddenly he stopped the teasing (it looked like he saw something on the screen) and asked whether my GATE score was of 2021. I said yes. He was serious for a few moments.

Then he starts joking around again that I should be careful with my answers. Asks me what programming languages I have worked in – I said python and JS.

PC: What kind of languages are these?

Me: At this point I was nervous enough that I said typeless – but quickly corrected to dynamically typed and interpreted.

PC: Is type checking done in Python and JS, as opposed to a language like Java?
Me: Tried to explain that Java is a compiled and bytecode-interpreted language and during compilation, it has a semantic analysis phase where types are checked. But Python/JS wouldn’t have that. Maybe the CPython interpreter would but not at the Python level.

PC: Tried to trick me on this, asked which is faster.

Me: Mistakenly ended up saying that the interpreted ones are faster – yep, an experienced guy saying this.

He had a big smile and told me to be careful before answering.

At this point they stopped the interview and I thanked them and exit. Took roughly 30 mins.


We are having a Telegram group for GATE CSE 2022 preparation as per the GO Schedule. Group is open to all but with strict guidelines as given below. Spammers will get instant ban.

Posting guidelines for GATE Overflow Telegram group for GATE CSE 2022

  1. Posting of doubts only as per GO schedule, you can post from any subject which is past in the schedule but not from future.
  2. No coaching queries except for links already on GO site - you really don't need them.
  3. All the subject resources are shared on under respective subject pages - you need to self enroll for each subject course 
  4. Previous year questions - GO link or GO PDF image -- all questions are already answered there including discussion.
  5. Self doubts allowed -- but only if it's a "self doubt" (no questions from unknown source being posted as self doubts)
  6. Images from standard books or videos are allowed
  7. If a question/doubt has been answered by someone, don't answer it again unless you have something more to add.
  8. Private messaging is strictly discouraged unless with prior approval of the person.

Link to Join:


We have recommended videos for GATE CSE under the below link as well as GO classroom. Those who followed it for GATE CSE 2021 or following for GATE CSE 2022 please fill in your feedback/requirements in this form.

Those preparing for GATE CSE 2022 can join our Telegram group:


On 14th May in the evening I received the email for MS CSE interview which was scheduled on 17th May ( I just had 2 days to brush up my concepts and to finalise my fav subjects ! I stopped studying on a daily basis after my GATE exam in Feb :/ - I would recommend every candidate to stay in touch with their subjects ( if they are applying for MS ) as it will help a lot in their interviews )

At 3:30 PM on 17th May 2021 I got a call from IITI CSE to join the meeting via Google Meet. I entered the meeting :-

There were total 6 members present in the meeting ( their videos were off and they all were muted) and three professors questioned me in the interview - I would name them as P1, P2 and P3 ( I don’t know whether the other 3 members were professors or not … I didn’t even looked at their names for once, as I was already a bit nervous because it was my first interview )

P1 - Hi Priyanshu ! What are your favourite subjects ?
( I thought they would ask me for a introduction but they didn’t ... LOL :P )
Me - Sir Linear Algebra, Theory of Computation and Data Structures

P1 - Okay … Linear Algebra ( he seemed interested in it )
What are Eigen values and vectors ?
Me - Answered ( Gave both Geometric and Numerical Intuition )

P1 - How do we evaluate Eigen values ?
Me - Answered

P1 - What are the applications of Eigen values ? and later he asked the same about Eigen vectors !
Me - Answered

P1 - Then he asked me something regarding a matrix relation !
Me - I said I’m not sure about this and later on he simplified that problem and asked me again, then I was able to answer him ( I don’t remember that question exactly)

P1 - Do you know what is a Null Space and what can you say about it's dimensions ?
Me - Answered completely both Null Space and Column Space
( As I wanted someone to ask this :P )

P1 - What is a vector space ?
Me - Answered

P1 - Do the dimensions of column space and row space is same ?
Me - Answered ( even before he completed his question :P )
P1 - Prove it !
Me - Gave him some relations and he seemed satisfied !

P1 - What do you know about Matrix Norm
( I didn’t even heard this term before :/ )
Me - Sorry Sir !

P1 - What is a diagonalizable matrix ?
Me - Answered

{ He asked P2 to ask questions }
( and I thought that the interview was over :P ) – I couldn't hear him properly :/

P2 - So are you working right now ?
Me - No Sir, currently I am in my final year

P2 - Okay Priyanshu your favourite subject is Algorithms ... Right ?
Me - I repeated [ Sir Linear Algebra, Theory of Computation and Data Structures ]

P2 - Define me what is a algorithm in less than 5 words !
( He just wanted a short and precise definition I guess )
Me - Answered

P2 - Have you studied Computer Architecture ?
Me - ( I didn’t even saw my COA notes after my GATE exam )
But still I said -> Yes Sir !

P2 - What are the components of a CPU ?
Me - It was such a silly question but I panicked and said sorry sir :/

P2 - He repeated the question ( as he figured out that I panicked )
Me - Then I said Sir ALU, CU … He stopped me after ALU and CU

P2 - So every algorithm in general has two parts just tell me which part is handled by ALU and which part is handled by CU ?
Me - Answered one part correctly and later on he gave me a hint and I answered the other one as well !

P2 - Let’s talk about Complexity ... Why do we compute it in the very first place … What’s the need ?
Me - Answered

P2 - Let us talk about Complexity Classes !
( He asked me 2-3 questions related to NP class and other undecidable problems - I do got stuck in a question but he gave me a hint and then we were good :P )

[ He passed it to P3 ]

P3 - Priyanshu have you studied Computer Networks ?
[ Worst nightmare - I left CN for my GATE 2021 and I knew almost nothing that I can showcase in my interview and I didn't wanted to mess things up ! ]
Me - No Sir !

( P3 asked me whether it was in my CSE curriculum or not ? Then I answered that the semester in which CN was included got revoked completely due to covid last year ! )

P3 - Tell me what are planar graph ?
( I couldn't get enough time to revise graph theory in those 2 days ) – Drawbacks of not being in touch :/
I was able to recall a planar graph (figure) but just couldn't recall it's property specifically !
Me - Sorry Sir !

Then P2 said in between - Arree ... tell us what is a graph yrr ?
Me - Answered

P3 - How do we store them ?
Me - Answered

P3 - Which one is efficient ?
Me - ( Answered - both for dense graph and as well as for sparse graph )

P3 - Okay Priyanshu you can leave now !

No questions were asked from Theory of Computation ( not even a single question ) and what's worst - P3 wanted to ask some questions from CN (which I didn't even prepared for GATE 2021). Interviews will not go according to your prep/plan all the way long ( So, do revise those subjects which are related to your fav subjects ) You need to adapt to the situations and give your best ! As that's the only thing that you can do ;) And kindly be in touch with your subjects on a regular basis as I mentioned earlier - That will always help !

Take your time to answer your questions, don't be in a hurry !
The professors are quite friendly and they will help you out if you're stuck -
by modifying the problem or by giving some hints !
So, just keep your calm and give your best ;)

Verdict :- SELECTED


Firstly, there was an online written test on 11th May 2021. The test was in 2 parts:

Part 1:

In 1st part, there were 30 MCQ questions each with 1 mark and a penalty of -1 for each incorrect answer. The MCQs were of mostly GATE level. The majority of topics covered were DSA, Discrete Maths, Probability. Few questions were form CO, OS, CN and TOC (1-2 questions each).

Part 2: (Not used for evaluation and shortlisting, only for interview purpose)

Three subjective questions were there:

1) Let us assume, you are the head of Google and decide to build the next version of Google Meet. What features will you use/improve? How can you leverage skills from 3-4 CS subjects to improve the product?

2) There are 100 rooms in a hotel. The hotel manager is lazy. When a customer requests a room, the manager picks a room from 1 to 100 uniformly at random without even bothering to check whether it is already occupied. If the room is already occupied, the customer is asked to leave the hotel. Otherwise, they can check-in. Suppose that 100 customers try to check in, one by one, to the hotel. Show that the expected number of occupants is at least 50.




I was shortlisted for the interviews. My slot was on 14th May 2021, at 10:30 am.

There were 3-panel members. But only two of them asked questions. I will address them as I1 and I2.

So the interview goes like this:

I1: Please give a brief introduction about yourself.

Me: Given.

I1: From which subjects you want us to ask questions?

Me: Linear Algebra, Probability, Data Structures.

I2: Ok Subham, let's start with the basics. What is eigenvalues and eigenvectors?

Me: Told with geometric intuition.

I2: Ok. Suppose you are given a diagonal matrix, what can you tell about the eigenvalues?

Me: The diagonal elements are the eigenvalues of the matrix.

I2: Prove it.

Me: Told an intuitive proof by the concept that the determinant of the matrix = product of eigenvalues.

I2: Ok. Now, lets move to probability. What are disjoint events?

Me: Told.

I2: Let's suppose you are given a probability of two events A and B. P(A) = 0.9 and P(B) = 0.9. Can you say that these events are disjoint events?

Me: Couldn’t answer. [The easiest question of the whole interview :)  ]. Due to panic, I couldn’t answer.

I2: Ok. Let's now move back to Linear Algebra. Suppose you are given 3 vectors of 2 dimensions. Is it possible that they are linearly independent?

Me: Explained with the rank concept.

I2: Referring to I1, would you like to ask any questions?

I1: Ya sure. So Subham, given a Binary tree, how can you find the height of the tree?

Me: Explained with recursion.

I1: What is the time complexity?

Me: Told.

I1: Ok we are done. You can leave the meeting.

Me: Thank you, sir.


They asked subjective test questions from some students. But they didn’t asked me.



Tips for future aspirants:

  • Don’t panic, they will give you enough time to think, just think freely.
  • Be sure you are good with each and every aspect of the subjects you are mentioning.
  • For written tests, keep in touch and keep revising your GATE subjects after the GATE exam also.



The schedule followed by GATE Overflow for GATECSE 2022

GATE Overflow Test Series for GATE 2022

Schedule of Tests

Advantages of following this schedule:

  1. It is not the only good schedule possible but is one schedule where subject dependencies are met 
  2. Schedule organized into 4 modules:
    1. First 6 weeks covering aptitude and discrete mathematics fundamentals – most important
    2. Next 6 weeks covering a bit of hardware, programming and computer architecture – builds a good system level knowledge
    3. Next 6 weeks covering more theoretical subjects, probability and OS – building the base of Intelligent Systems
    4. Final 6 weeks to finish DBMS, Operating Systems, Computer Networks and Compiler Design 
  3. This schedule is tied to GATE Overflow Test series – subject tests will be added as per the schedule
  4. Preparation materials including reference links are provided on GO classroom (free for everyone) as per the schedule – to access GO classroom just create a new account on the home page of it and subscribe manually to each course
  5. Even if you are joining late, you can adjust your schedule accordingly - most assignments in GO classroom will allow late submissions and this schedule will be over by November end.
  6. Extra points to be followed will be updated here.
  7. GATE CSE Subject page should be used for the subject resources (will be updated as per schedule) and GO classroom has assignments in extra. 

June 1-6

June 7-13

Quantitative Aptitude: Ratios, speed­-time, directions, work­-time, clock, other numericals, deriving conclusion from graphs, pie/bar charts, sequence and series etc.

June 14-20

Discrete Mathematics: Set Theory & Algebra: Sets; Relations; Functions; Mathematical Logic: Propositional Logic; First Order Logic.

June 21-27

Discrete Mathematics: Combinatorics; Counting; generating functions; 

June 28-July 4

Discrete Mathematics: Combinatorics;  recurrence relations.

Discrete Mathematics: Set Theory & Algebra: Groups; Partial Orders; Lattice.

July 5-11 

Revision, Taking Tests. 

July 12-18 

Digital Logic: Boolean algebra. Combinational circuits. Minimization. Number representations and computer arithmetic (fixed and floating point), Sequential circuits. 

July 19 - July 25

Programming and Data Structures: Programming in C. Recursion. 

July 26 – August 1

Computer Organization and Architecture: Machine instructions and addressing modes, ALU, data‐path and control unit, Instruction pipelining, Memory hierarchy: Cache and main memory, Secondary storage, I/O interface (Interrupt and DMA mode).

August 2-8

Programming and Data Structures: Arrays, stacks, queues, linked lists, trees, binary search trees, binary heaps, graphs.

August 9-15

Algorithms: Asymptotic worst case time and space complexity. Searching, sorting, hashing. Algorithm design techniques: greedy, dynamic programming and divide‐and‐conquer.

August 16-22

Who do not like a break?

No exam 

August 23-29

Revision, Taking Tests.

Exam Link:

August 30 - September 5

Algorithms: Graph search, minimum spanning trees, shortest paths.

September 6-12

September 13-19

Probability: Random variables. Uniform, normal, exponential, poisson and binomial distributions. Mean, median, mode and standard deviation. Conditional probability and Bayes theorem.

September 20-26

Theory of Computation: Regular expressions and finite automata. Context-free grammars and push-down automata. Regular and context-free languages, pumping lemma. Turing machines and undecidability. 

September 27 – October 3

Databases: ER‐model. Relational model: relational algebra, tuple calculus, SQL. Integrity constraints, normal forms. File organization, indexing (e.g., B and B+ trees). Transactions and concurrency control.

October 4-10

Revision, Rest

Exam Link:

October 11-17

Numerical Ability: Analytical Aptitude: Logic: deduction and induction, Analogy, Numerical relations and reasoning
Spatial Aptitude: Transformation of shapes: translation, rotation, scaling, mirroring, assembling, and grouping, Paper folding, cutting, and patterns in 2 and 3 dimensions

October 18-24

Computer Networks: Concept of layering: OSI and TCP/IP Protocol Stacks; Basics of packet, circuit and virtual circuit-switching; Data link layer: framing, error detection, Medium Access Control, Ethernet bridging; Routing protocols: shortest path, flooding, distance vector and link state routing; Fragmentation and IP addressing, IPv4, CIDR notation, Basics of IP support protocols (ARP, DHCP, ICMP), Network Address Translation (NAT); Transport layer: flow control and congestion control, UDP, TCP, sockets; Application layer protocols: DNS, SMTP, HTTP, FTP, Email.

October 25-31

Operating System: Processes, Threads, Inter-process communication, Concurrency, Synchronization, Deadlock, CPU scheduling,

November 1-7

Operating System: Memory management and virtual memory, File systems. 

November 8-14

Linear Algebra: Matrices, determinants, systems of linear equations, Eigen values and Eigen vectors, LU decomposition.

November 15-21

Revision, Taking Tests. 

  • Exam Link: 

November 22-28

Compiler Design: Lexical analysis, parsing, syntax-directed translation. Runtime environments. Intermediate code generation. Local optimisation, Data flow analyses: constant propagation, liveness analysis, common subexpression elimination. 

Calculus: Limits, continuity and differentiability. Maxima and minima. Mean value theorem. Integration. 

November 29 – December 5

Calculus: Limits, continuity and differentiability. Maxima and minima. Mean value theorem. Integration.

Revision, Solving tests


  • Full length mock tests
  • Time management and reducing careless mistakes must be done
  • Closed book revision is important 

Mock Test 1 : December 12 

  • Exam Link:

Mock Test 2 : December 26

  • Exam Link:

Mock Test 3 : January 2

  • Exam Link:

Mock Test 4 : January 9

  • Exam Link:

Mock Test 5 : January 16

  • Exam Link:

Mock Test 6 : January 23

  • Exam Link: 

Instead of preparing themselves for M.Tech courses at IITs some of those who got good rank in GATE have been seen promoting their stuffs and even sharing referrals to coaching institutes. For any serious candidate preparing for GATE all information should be available in the GO blogs given below and many aspirants have even shared their full preparation experiences. Still many will be looking for “spoon feeding” and if you want to help them you can do at your own place – not here. By sharing your notes if you believe you are helping aspirants – 99% you are not.



Last Date 29/05/2021
BITS HD Online Test 26th & 27th June 2021

For more visit here: Important Dates

  1. Admission can take either gate mode or non-gate mode or you can apply in both modes.
  2. Apply for both computer science as well as a software system for this exam.
  3. The exam date may be extended like last year due to covid-19  time.

All the best.


Here are the notes I have written during my preparation for GATE CS/IT. Future aspirants may find it helpful. These are elaborated notes, that one may go through to recapitulate stuff fast. I took help from standard books and online courses to put together these notes. As of now, only some chapters of Discrete Mathematics are uploaded. I will upload notes for all the subjects within a month.

Sample note(on Combinatorics):




🌟Notes of all subjects uploaded🌟

Update 1(25/04/2021): Discrete Mathematics completely uploaded

Update 2(26/04/2021): Computer Organization and Architecture, Compiler Design uploaded

Update 3(27/04/2021): Theory of Computation, Databases uploaded

Update 4(28/04/2021): C Programming, Data Structures uploaded

Update 5(01/05/2021): Digital Logic, Algorithms uploaded

Update 6(02/05/2021): Computer Networks uploaded

Update 7(03/05/2021): Operating System Notes, Engg. Maths. materials uploaded