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Syllabus: Matrices, determinants, System of linear equations, Eigenvalues and eigenvectors, LU decomposition.

$$\scriptsize{\overset{{\large{\textbf{Mark Distribution in Previous GATE}}}}{\begin{array}{|c|c|c|c|c|c|c|c|}\hline
\textbf{Year}& \textbf{2022} & \textbf{2021-1}&\textbf{2021-2}&\textbf{2020}&\textbf{2019}&\textbf{2018}&\textbf{2017-1}&\textbf{2017-2}&\textbf{2016-1}&\textbf{2016-2}&\textbf{Minimum}&\textbf{Average}&\textbf{Maximum}
\\\hline\textbf{1 Mark Count} & 1 &0&1&0&1&1&1&1&1&2&0&0.9&2
\\\hline\textbf{2 Marks Count} & 2 &1&1&1&1&1&2&1&0&0&0&1&2
\\\hline\textbf{Total Marks} & 5 &2&3&2&3&3&5&3&1&2&\bf{1}&\bf{2.9}&\bf{5}\\\hline

Hot questions in Linear Algebra

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The determinant of the matrix $\begin{bmatrix} 6 & -8 & 1 & 1 \\ 0 & 2 & 4 & 6 \\ 0 & 0 & 4 & 8 \\ 0 & 0 & 0 & -1 \end{bmatrix}$$11$$-48$$0$$-24$
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Let $A, B, C, D$ be $n \times n$ matrices, each with non-zero determinant. If $ABCD = I$, then $B^{-1}$ is $D^{-1}C^{-1}A^{-1}$ $CDA$ $ADC$ Does not necessarily e...
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