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2 votes
1 answer
for i < - 1 to n for j < 1 to n/2 X = X + 1(i and j both are incrementing by 1)Outer runs for n times and inner for n/2 So will it be n(n...
1 votes
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what is the exact process for admission into iit hyderabad mtech (ra) in cse??are there any written exams?
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1 answer
find the next term in series 266, 339, 528, ?A) 630 B) 730 C) 830 D) 930
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how to prove that these are not Regular using Pumping Lemma {0n15n∣n≥10000} & for also n≤10000
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S1 : An insertion in an AVL with n nodes requires O(n) rotations.answer is false in answer key,but is guess for 1 insetion its O(1).so for n it will be O(n).tell me if i ...
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1 answer
the tailors in a tailoring shop on an average stitch three shirts in an hour ,stitching has poisson distribution .during a particular hour what is the probabilty that the...
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2 answers
Given Processes P1: Wait(Sx); Wait(Sy); Do something;Signal(Sx); Signal(Sy); and Process P2: Wait(Sx); Wait(Sy); Do something;Signal(Sy); Signal(Sx); . Will it ever lead ...
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0 answers
3 boys and 4 girls have to sit in a row with all arrangements equally likely. What is the probability that no 2 boys sit next to each othera)1/7 b)2/7 c) 3/7 d)4/7
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1 answer
Can I write the 1st one as 2nd one ? are both equivalent ? If yes then why cant we use the 2nd ? The 1st is given as a standard in many notes which looks more complicat...