These questions are basic level ones and can be answered in less than a minute if you have seen the topic.

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3 votes
1 answer
Which data structure is commonly used to implement breadth first search in a graph?A queueA stackA heapA hash tableA splay tree
1 votes
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Mr. $\text{X}$ speaks __________ Japanese ____________ Chinese.neither /oreither / norneither / noralso / but
3 votes
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6 votes
1 answer
The people _______________ were at the demonstration were from all sections of society.whosewhichwhowhom
13 votes
5 answers
In an undirected connected planar graph $G$, there are eight vertices and five faces. The number of edges in $G$ is _________.
10 votes
3 answers
Consider the following sequence of operations on an empty stack.$$\textsf{push}(54);\textsf{push}(52);\textsf{pop}();\textsf{push}(55);\textsf{push}(62);\textsf{s}=\texts...
1 votes
1 answer
1 votes
1 answer
In an undirected graph, if we add the degrees of all vertices, it is:oddevencannot be determinedalways $n+1,$ where $n$ is number of nodes
1 votes
1 answer
In the following addressing mode, which of them performs better for accessing, array?Register addressing modeDirect addressing modeDisplacement addressing modeIndex addre...