Recent questions tagged gate1998

26 votes
4 answers
The overlay tree for a program is as shown below:What will be the size of the partition (in physical memory) required to load (and run) this program?$\text{12 KB}$$\text{...
28 votes
1 answer
Faster access to non-local variables is achieved using an array of pointers to activation records called a stackheapdisplayactivation tree
25 votes
3 answers
29 votes
6 answers
What value would the following function return for the input $x=95$?Function fun (x:integer):integer; Begin If x 100 then fun = x – 10 Else fun = fun(fun (x+11)) End;$...
29 votes
11 answers
A complete $n$-ary tree is one in which every node has $0$ or $n$ sons. If $x$ is the number of internal nodes of a complete $n$-ary tree, the number of leaves in it is g...
22 votes
3 answers
Formatting for a floppy disk refers toarranging the data on the disk in contiguous fashionwriting the directoryerasing the system datawriting identification information o...
22 votes
3 answers
Which of the following operations is commutative but not associative?ANDORNANDEXOR
25 votes
1 answer
The function represented by the Karnaugh map given below is$A.B$$AB+BC+CA$$\overline{B \oplus C}$$A.BC$
23 votes
3 answers
39 votes
4 answers
Let $L$ be the set of all binary strings whose last two symbols are the same. The number of states in the minimal state deterministic finite state automaton accepting $L$...
26 votes
5 answers
Consider the following determinant $\Delta = \begin{vmatrix} 1 & a & bc \\ 1 & b & ca \\ 1 & c & ab \end{vmatrix}$Which of the following is a factor of $\Delta$?$a+b$$a-b...
20 votes
4 answers
The rank of the matrix given below is:$$\begin{bmatrix} 1 &4 &8 &7\\ 0 &0& 3 &0\\ 4 &2& 3 &1\\ 3 &12 &24 &21 \end{bmatrix}$$$3$$1$$2$$4$
47 votes
2 answers
There are five records in a database.$$\begin{array}{|c|c|c|c|} \hline \textbf {Name} & \textbf {Age} & \textbf {Occupation} & \textbf{Category } \\\hline \text{Rama} & ...
31 votes
8 answers
Which normal form is considered adequate for normal relational database design?$2NF$$5NF$$4NF$$3NF$
23 votes
1 answer
Given two union compatible relations $R_1(A, B)$ and $R_2 (C, D)$, what is the result of the operation $R_1 \Join_{ A = C \wedge B = D} R_2$?$R_1 \cup R_2$$R_1 \times R_2...
29 votes
4 answers
A computer has six tape drives, with $n$ processes competing for them. Each process may need two drives. What is the maximum value of $n$ for the system to be deadlock fr...
19 votes
4 answers
A counting semaphore was initialized to $10$. Then $6 P$ (wait) operations and $4V$ (signal) operations were completed on this semaphore. The resulting value of the semap...
32 votes
3 answers
When the result of a computation depends on the speed of the processes involved, there is said to becycle stealingrace conditiona time locka deadlock
18 votes
2 answers
46 votes
2 answers
Type checking is normally done duringlexical analysissyntax analysissyntax directed translationcode optimization