all questions of ISRO 2011 question paper

Recent questions tagged isro2011

10 votes
2 answers
If $\text{A}$ and $\text{B}$ are square matrices with same order and $\text{A}$ is symmetric, then $\text{B}^{\text{T}}\text{AB}$ isSkew symmetricSymmetricOrthogonalIdemp...
6 votes
2 answers
Black Box Software Testing method focuses on theBoundary condition of the softwareControl structure of the softwareFunctional requirement of the softwareIndependent paths...
11 votes
3 answers
In Boolean algebra, rule $\left ( \text{X + Y} \right )\left ( \text{X + Z} \right ) =$$\text{Y + XZ}$$\text{X + YZ}$$\text{XY + Z}$$\text{XZ + Y}$
4 votes
2 answers
The above figure represents which one of the following UML diagram for a single send session of an online chat system?Package diagramActivity diagramClass diagramSequence...
8 votes
4 answers
Which one of the following is true?$R \cap S = ( R \cup S) - [(R-S) \cup (S-R)]$$R \cup S = ( R \cap S) - [(R-S) \cup (S-R)]$$R \cap S = ( R \cup S) - [(R-S) \cap (S-R)]$...
7 votes
3 answers
The $\textsf{IEEE}$ standard for WiMax technology is$\textsf{IEEE 802.16}$$\textsf{IEEE 802.36}$$\textsf{IEEE 812.16}$$\textsf{IEEE 806.16}$
5 votes
4 answers
An example of poly-alphabetic substitution isP-boxS-boxCaesar cipherVigenere cipher
4 votes
1 answer
A context model of a software system can be shown by drawing aLEVEL-0 DFDLEVEL-1 DFDLEVEL-2 DFDLEVEL-3 DFD
12 votes
4 answers
What is the equivalent serial schedule for the following transactions? $\text{T}_1 - \text{T}_2 - \text{T}_3$$\text{T}_3 - \text{T}_1 - \text{T}_2$$\text{T}_2 - \text{T}_...
6 votes
2 answers
The network protocol which is used to get MAC address of a node by providing IP address isSMTPARPRIPBOOTP
5 votes
1 answer
What is the raw throughput of USB $2.0$ technology?$480$ Mbps$400$ Mbps$200$ Mbps$12$ Mbps
10 votes
1 answer
What is the decimal value of the floating-point number $C1D00000$ (hexadecimal notation)? (Assume $32$-bit, single precision floating point $\text{IEEE}$ representation)$...
4 votes
7 answers
Which of the following is true about $z$-buffer algorithm?It is a depth sort algorithmNo limitation on total number of objectsComparisons of objects is done$z$-buffer is ...
6 votes
2 answers
Data is transmitted continuously at $2.048$ Mbps rate for $10$ hours and received $512$ bits errors. What is the bit error rate?$\text{6.9 e-9}$$\text{6.9 e-6}$$\text{69 ...
7 votes
3 answers
Which variable does not drive a terminal string in grammar?$S \rightarrow AB$$A \rightarrow a$$B \rightarrow b$$B \rightarrow C$ABCS
3 votes
7 answers
There are three processes in the ready queue. When the currently running process requests for I/O how many process switches take place?1234
6 votes
2 answers
The broadcast address for IP network $$ with subnet mask $$ is$$$$$$$$
7 votes
4 answers
Consider a direct mapped cache with $64$ blocks and a block size of $16$ bytes. To what block number does the byte address $1206$ map todoes not map$6$$11$$54$
6 votes
2 answers
In functional dependency Armstrong inference rules refers toReflexive, Augmentation and DecompositionTransitive, Augmentation and ReflexiveAugmentation, Transitive, Refle...
4 votes
4 answers
The hamming distance between the octets of $\textsf{0xAA}$ and $\textsf{0x55}$ is$7$$5$$8$$6$
4 votes
4 answers
The in-order traversal of a tree resulted in FBGADCE. Then the pre-order traversal of that tree would result inFGBDECAABFGCDEBFGCDEAAFGBDEC
3 votes
2 answers
Which type of DBMS provides support for maintaining several versions of the same entity?Relational Database Management SystemHierarchicalObject Oriented Database Manageme...
9 votes
7 answers
If node A has three siblings and B is parent of A, what is the degree of A?0345
3 votes
3 answers
In compiler terminology reduction in strength meansReplacing run time computation by compile time computationRemoving loop invariant computationRemoving common subexpress...
3 votes
3 answers
Which of the following is an unsupervised neural network?RBSHopfieldBack propagationKohonen
3 votes
3 answers