ISRO 2014 Computer Science Questions with Solution

Recent questions tagged isro2014

4 votes
3 answers
What is the median of data if its mode is $15$ and the mean is $30?$$30$$25$$22.5$$27.5$
3 votes
4 answers
6 votes
3 answers
Consider the following pseudo- codewhile (m<n) if (x>y ) and (a<b) then a=a+1 y=y-1 end if m=m+1 end whileWhat is cyclomatic complexity of the above pseudo -code?2345
2 votes
4 answers
The following three 'C' language statements is equivalent to which single statement?y=y+1; z=x+y; x=x+1z = x + y + 2;z = (x++) + (++y);z = (x++) + (y++);z = (x++) + (++y)...
4 votes
4 answers
What is routing algorithm used by OSPF routing protocol?Distance vectorFloodingPath vectorLink state
4 votes
1 answer
Let $\text{R}$ be the radius of the circle. What is the angle subtended by an arc of length $\text{R}$ at the center of the circle?$1$ degree $1$ radian $90$ degrees$...
6 votes
2 answers
The rank of the matrix $A=\begin{pmatrix} 1 & 2 & 1 & -1\\ 9& 5& 2& 2\\ 7& 1& 0 & 4 \end{pmatrix}$ is ______ .$0$$1$$2$$3$
8 votes
4 answers
Which of the following is not valid Boolean algebra rule?$\text{X.X = X}$$\text{(X+Y).X = X}$$\overline{X}+\text{XY = Y}$$\text{(X+Y).(X+Z) = X + YZ}$
7 votes
9 answers
What is the output of the following C program? #include<stdio.h #define SQR(x) (x*x) int main() { int a; int b=4; a=SQR(b+2); printf("%d\n",a); return 0; }14361820
5 votes
2 answers
Assume that $16$-bit CPU is trying to access a double word stating at an odd address. How many memory operations are required to access the data?$1$$2$$3$$4$
6 votes
3 answers
How many lines of output does the following C code produce?#include<stdio.h float i=2.0; float j=1.0; float sum = 0.0; main() { while (i/j 0.001) { j+=j; sum=sum+(i/j); ...
6 votes
5 answers
What is the size of the physical address space in a paging system which has a page table containing 64 entries of 11 bit each (including valid and invalid bit) and a page...
8 votes
4 answers
How many different $\text{BCD}$ numbers can be stored in $12$ switches ? (Assume two position or on-off switches).$2^{12}$$2^{12}-1$$10^{12}$$10^3$
7 votes
5 answers
The following Finite Automaton recognizes which of the given languages?$\{ 1, 0 \}^* \{ 0 1 \}$$\{ 1,0\}^*\{ 1\}$$\{ 1 \} \{1, 0\}^*\{ 1 \}$$1^*0^*\{0,1\}$
4 votes
1 answer
What does a pixel mask mean?string containing only $1\text{'s}$string containing only $0\text{'s}$string containing two $0\text{'s}$string containing $1\text{'s}$ and $0\...
3 votes
2 answers
5 votes
3 answers
How much memory is required to implement $z$-buffer algorithm for a $512 \times 512 \times 24$ bit-plane image?$768$ KB$1$ MB$1.5$ MB$2$ MB
4 votes
3 answers
Which of the following is not a valid multicast MAC address?$\textsf{01:00:5E:00:00:00}$$\textsf{01:00:5E:00:00:FF}$$\textsf{01:00:5E:00:FF:FF}$$\textsf{01:00:5E:FF:FF:FF...
9 votes
9 answers
How many different trees are there with four nodes $\text{A, B, C}$ and $\text{D}?$$30$$60$$90$$120$
5 votes
3 answers
An organization is granted the block $$ It needs to have $4$ subnets. Which of the following is not an address of this organization?$$$130.34...
2 votes
1 answer
Which of the following is FALSE with respect to possible outcomes of executing a Turing Machine over a given input?it may halt and accept the inputit may halt by changing...
2 votes
4 answers
2 votes
2 answers
Let $x,y,z,a,b,c$ be the attributes of an entity set E. If $\{x\} ,\{x,y\}, \{a,b\},\{a,b,c\}, \{x,y,z\}$ are superkeys then which of the following are the candidate keys...
7 votes
4 answers
A IP packet has arrived in which the fragmentation offset value is $100,$ the value of $\textsf{HLEN}$ is $5$ and the value of total length field is $200.$ What is the nu...
3 votes
3 answers
In a system an RSA algorithm with $p=5$ and $q=11$, is implemented for data security. What is the value of the decryption key if the value of the encryption key is $27?$$...