3 votes
What is the difference when I write in program mynode * head; add_node(&head,10); add_node( struct node head, into value);To this mynode *head; add_node (head,10); add_...
1 votes
Under which of the following conditions, the size of an one-dimensional array need to be specified ?a) when initialization is a part of definitionb) when it is a declarat...
4 votes
the worst case time complexity of quicksort for an elements when the median is selected as the pivota. o(n^2)b.o(n)c.o(nlogn)d.o(logn)
1 votes
What is pipelining? Whats the need? Whats the funda behind it? Does it make the processor faster?
1 votes
The number of elements that can be sorted in $\Theta(\log n)$ time using heap sort is$\Theta(1)$$\Theta(\sqrt{\log} n)$$\Theta(\frac{\log n}{\log \log n})$$\Theta(\log n)...
4 votes
#IITD_2011If we are give a sorted array and we have to find two elements which sum to a number x.
33 votes
1 votes
how this relation (m+r+1)<=2^r comes??please explain.
0 votes
if d probability dat an individual suffers a bad reaction frm injection of a serum is 0.001.determine the probability that out of 2000 indivisuals exactly 3 individuals s...
1 votes
while solving linear equations, there comes a case where rank < number of varibles,then we say there are n-r linearly independent solution.What exactly does it mean ?
2 votes
total possible binary search trees with 3 nodes is:14 15 6 none
88 votes
We are given a set of $n$ distinct elements and an unlabeled binary tree with $n$ nodes. In how many ways can we populate the tree with the given set so that it becomes a...
1 votes
4 votes
Whenever we have a recurrence relation of typeT(n) = a * T(n/b) + chere a is the number of sub problems. what will be Size of sub problems ? Is it n/b ?
23 votes
The minimum number of cards to be dealt from an arbitrarily shuffled deck of $52$ cards to guarantee that three cards are from same suit is$3$$8$$9$$12$
8 votes