16 answers
8 answers
The average number of key comparisons required for a successful search for sequential search on $n$ items is$\frac{n}{2}$$\frac{n-1}{2}$$\frac{n+1}{2}$None of the above
1 answer
5 answers
How many number of times the instruction sequence below will loop before coming out of the loop? MOV AL, 00H A1: INC AL JNZ A11255256Will not come out of t...
3 answers
How many lines of output does the following C code produce?#include<stdio.h float i=2.0; float j=1.0; float sum = 0.0; main() { while (i/j 0.001) { j+=j; sum=sum+(i/j); ...
3 answers
What is the median of data if its mode is $15$ and the mean is $30?$$30$$25$$22.5$$27.5$
6 answers
If a microcomputer operates at $5$ MHz with an $8$-bit bus and a newer version operates at $20$ MHz with a $32$-bit bus, the maximum speed-up possible approximately will ...
1 answer
the bcd adder to add two decimal digits needs minimum of a) 6 full adder, 2 half adder b) 5 full adder, 3 half adder c) 4 full adder, 3 half adder d) 5 full adder, 2 half...
1 answer
A computer program selects an integer in the set {k : 1 ≤ k ≤ 10,00,000} at random and prints out the result. This process is repeated 1 million times. What is the pr...
2 answers
Can someone write one example of a schedule which is conflict serializable but is not allowed by 2pl protocol. I have read that 2pl- css, but css- 2pl is not necessary?
2 answers
What is decimal equivalent of BCD 11011.1100 ?(A) 22.0 (B) 22.2 (C) 20.2 (D) 21.2
5 answers
Given$(135)_x+(144)_x=(323)_x$What is the value of base $x$ ?
2 answers
Let A = {x | -1<x<1} = B. The function f(x)=x/2 from A to B is:(A) injective (B) surjective(C) both injective and surjective(D) neither injective nor surjective
3 answers
A Hash table has space for 100 records. Then the probability of collision before the table is 10% full is?A 0.45B 0.5C 0.3D 0.34 (approximately)
1 answer
1 answer
Three people X,Y, and Z are contesting in an election and we assume that exactly one of them wins it. Suppose that X and Z have the same chances of winning and Y has only...
10 answers
In a min-heap with $n$ elements with the smallest element at the root, the $7^{th}$ smallest element can be found in time$\Theta (n \log n)$$\Theta (n)$$\Theta(\log n)$$\...