1 votes
A default catch block catches,[A]. all thrown objects[B]. no thrown objects[C]. any thrown object that has not been caught by an earlier catch block[D]. all thrown object...
0 votes
What kind of linked list is best to answer question like “What is the item at position n?”a) Singly linked listb) Doubly linked listc) Circular linked listd) Array im...
0 votes
What would be the asymptotic time complexity to add a node at the end of singly linked list, if the pointer is initially pointing to the head of the list?a) O(1)b) O(n)c)...
0 votes
How many element comparisons would heap sort use to sort the integers $1$ to $8$ if they wereinitially in sorted order, initially in reverse sorted order?
3 votes
Let $A$ be a $3\times 3$ matrix such that $\mid A-I \mid=0$.If trace of $A=13$ and $det A = 32$ then sum of squares of the eigen values of $A$ is .....$82$$13$$169$$81$
4 votes
Suppose the rank of the matrix$$\begin{pmatrix}1&1&2&2\\1&1&1&3\\a&b&b&1\end{pmatrix}$$is $2$ for some real numbers $a$ and $b$. Then $b$ equals$1$$3$$1/2$$1/3$
1 votes
A party of n persons take their seats at random at a round table,then the probability that two specified person do not sit together is$\left(\dfrac{2}{n-1}\right)$$\left(...
0 votes
Show that an edge in a simple graph is a cut edge if and only if this edge is not a part of any simple circuit in the graph.
0 votes
1 votes
How many concurrent schedules are conflict serializable of given transactions T1 and T2:T1 = r1(A) W1(A)R1(B)W1(B)T2 = R2(B)W2(B)R2(A)W2(A)
0 votes
0 votes
If all state of DFA is final then it accpets $\sum$ (i.e) regulartrue or false
0 votes
What should be the minimum & maximum sampling rate for NYQUIST THEOREM?
0 votes
Turing machine can be constructed by FA with 2 stacks??
0 votes
Let the homomorphism defined over alphabet Σ{0, 1} is h(0) = aa and h(1) = aba, and L = (ab + ba)*athen what is h-1(L)?
1 votes
A decimal parallel adder that add n decimal digits needs how many BCD adder stages1. n 2. 2n3. 14 n^2
0 votes
for fintie autometa of n state the max lenght of string that must be consider to distinguish two state is-1. n2. n-13 n-24.none
0 votes
This question I have many doubts like(1) what are those final states(2) what is the meaning of phyi here(3) from state q0 n q1 when EPSILON input is given what is its ...