1 votes
2 answers
$900$ men and $500$ woman complete a task in $2$ weeks. $1200$ men and $250$ woman took $3$ weeks to complete the same task. Then, how many men are required to complete t...
3 votes
1 answer
#include <stdio.h int main(void) { for(i=1;i<=n;i*=2) { for(j=0;j<=i;j++) { for(k=0;k<=n;k++) { ..... O(1)....; } } } return 0; }What is the time complexity of given code...
5 votes
3 answers
It may be the case that "Kruskal's Algorithm may not maintain connectivity while Prim's algorithm always does that" ?Any example which favours this ?
4 votes
1 answer
8 votes
1 answer
6 votes
0 answers
2 votes
1 answer
Check whether the given schedule is conflict serializable or not ? R2(A); R3(C); W3(A); W2(A); W2(B); W3(C); R1(A); R1(B); W1(A); W1(B)
5 votes
2 answers
Can anyone provide the proof of halting problem of turing machines by contradiction ? If possible, give example, how is it reduced to other turing problems ?
0 votes
0 answers
Consider 2 Program initializations P and Q .Are both the initializations equivalent ?P:: x:=1; y:=1; z:=1; u:=0Q:: x, y, z, u := 1, 1, 1, 0;
8 votes
3 answers
In a min-heap with n elements1). The 7th smallest element can be found in time, if duplicates are allowed ?2). The 7th distinct smallest element can be found in time, I...
1 votes
1 answer
2n is the order of 3n . Is it True or False ? State with reason.
2 votes
2 answers
The equality of two regular expression is computed in? Give reasons also..Constant Timepolynomial timelogarithmic Polynomial timeExponential time