1 answer
Avalanche effect in cryptographyIs desirable property of cryptographic algorithmIs undesirable property of cryptographic algorithmHas no effect on encryption algorithmNon...
2 answers
Of the following sorting algorithms, which has a running time that is least dependent on the initial ordering of the input?Mege SortInsertion SortSelection SortQuick Sort...
3 answers
A computer uses ternary system instead of the traditional systen, An $n$ bit string in the binary system will occupy$3+n$ ternary digits$2n/3$ ternary digits$n$$\log_{2}3...
3 answers
The number of edges in a regular graph of degree: $d$ and $n$ vertices is:maximum of $n$ and $d$ $n +d$$nd$$nd/2$
4 answers
Which one of the following algorithm is not used in asymmetric key cryptography?RSA AlgorithmGillie-Hellman AlgorithmElectronic Code Book AlgorithmNone of the above
2 answers
Any set of Boolean operation that is sufficient to represent all Boolean expression is said to be complete. Which of the following is not complete ?$\text{{AND, OR}}$$\te...
6 answers
What is the output of tho following program?main(){ int x=2, y=5; if(x<y) return (x=x+y); else printf("z1"); printf("z2"); }$z2$$z1z2$Compilation errorNone of these
2 answers
The lower degree of cohesion is kind of:Logical CohesionCoincidental CohesionProcedural CohesionCommunicational Cohesion
2 answers
The Functions Point (FP) metric isCalculated from user requirementCalculated from lines of codeCalculated from software complexity assessmentNone of the above
3 answers
2 answers
Which of the following is dense index?Primary indexClustered indexSecondary indexSecondary non-key index
2 answers
A hash table with $10$ buckets with one slot pet per bucket is depicted here. The symbols, $S1$ to $S7$ are initially entered using a hashing function with linear probing...
1 answer
Given two sorted list of size $m$ and $n$ respectively. The number of comparisons needed the worst case by the merge sort algorithm will be:$m \times n$maximum of $m$ and...
3 answers
Given $\sqrt{224_{r}}$= $13$$_{r}$ the value of radix $r$ is$10$$8$$6$$5$
3 answers
The following $C$ program:{ fork(); fork(); printf("yes"); }If we execute this core segment, how many times the string yes will be printed?Only once2 times4 times8 times
2 answers
What are the differences between static and global variables?
2 answers
#include<stdio.h int main() { char c = 125; c = c+10; printf("%d", c); return 0; }what will be the output , explain with logic(size of char 1 byte)