0 votes
1 answer
(a)I and II only (b) II and Ill only (c)I, II and III only (d)None of the above
2 votes
2 answers
(a) P3, Ps, P3, P2 (b)P2, P5, P3, 426k waits (c)P3, Ps, P2, 426k waits (d)P4, P2, P5, P3
1 votes
0 answers
0 votes
2 answers
Which of the following is an advantage of $\text{'Triples'}$Statements can be moved aroundWastage of too much spaceSpace is not wastedTwo memory access per operation
4 votes
2 answers
#include <stdio.h struct Point { int x; int y; }; int main() { struct Point p1 = {10, 20}; struct Point p2 = p1; if (p1 == p2) { printf("p1 and p2 are same "); } getchar(...
0 votes
1 answer
Consider the language given below$L=\left \{ \left \langle M \right \rangle |M\ is\ TM \ and \ |L(M)|\ is\ prime\right \}$ is it deciable or not ? Explain with fact ?
1 votes
1 answer
All functions have file scope. Thus, you cannot define a function within a function. This is why C is not technically a block-structured language.Explain pls ?
0 votes
0 answers
By default external variables and functions have the property that all references to them by the same name, even from functions compiled separately, are references to sam...
1 votes
3 answers
In an integer array, there is 1 to 100 number, out of one is duplicate, how to find?Write an efficient algorithm and also determine complexity ?
4 votes
1 answer
Consider the following program below#include<stdio.h int *call(); int main(){ int *ptr; ptr=call(); printf("%d",*ptr); return 0; } int * call(){ int x=25; ++x; return &x;...
2 votes
1 answer
For the below C code,what will be the output ?#include<stdio.h int main() { show(); } void show(char *s) { printf("Welcome to Gate Overflow "); }(A)Welcome to Gate Overfl...
1 votes
1 answer
The qualifier signed or unsigned may be applied to char or any integer.So why does not C have unsigned float ?
5 votes
3 answers
A complete binary tree with $n$ non-leaf nodes contains$\log_{2}n$ nodes$n+1$ nodes$2n$ nodes$2n+1$ nodes
10 votes
2 answers
Peephole optimization is form ofLoop optimizationLocal optimizationConstant foldingData flow analysis
11 votes
3 answers
If $(\text{G} , .)$ is a group such that $(ab)^{-1}=a^{-1}b^{-1},\forall a,b \in \text{G},$ then $\text{G}$ is a/anCommutative semi groupAbelian groupNon-abelian groupNon...