1 answer
If we are given a set for ex.S={1,2,.....25} and now if we want to find subsets T ⊆ S of size 5 than it is 25C5 or they are 2^ 25C5.
2 answers
0 answers
True /falseIf any row/column is constant is constant multiple of any other row/column then determinant is zero.Whether the converse of this statement is true or false?
0 answers
the main memory can store 32K words of 12 bits each. if the direct cache mapping is usedwith a cache capability of 512 words, what is the size of each location of cache
4 answers
In a doubly linked list the number of pointers affected for an insertion operation will be401Depends on the nodes of doubly linked list
1 answer
what is backpatching?????????????/plz explain with an example.
1 answer
What is the meaning of processing time at source and destination? Under processing time what task happens?
1 answer
What are external connection in "internal organization of memory chip" ? How these lines are decided ?Example memory with 128 bits (16×8) requires 14 external connection...
1 answer
Given shift register is initially loaded with the bit pattern "1010". After how many clock cycles will the content of shift register be "1010" again?a) 5b) 9c) 7d) 15
4 answers
In the following circuit, Y can be expressed as :$\text{Y = BC + A}$$\text{Y = AC}' + \text{BC}$$\text{Y = C}$$\text{Y = B}$
0 answers
$000, 001, 010, 011, 100\; \&$ repeats$100, 011, 010, 001, 000\; \&$ repeat$010, 011, 100, 000, 001\; \&$ repeats$101, 110, 111, 000, 001, 010, 011, 100 \;\&$ repeats
2 answers
what is the differernce between if (a=0) and if (a= -7) or any other non-zero number e.g what will be the out put of following program a)if ( a=0)printf(""a is zero ")els...
2 answers
3 answers
Below are four concurrent processes and three counting semaphores.What must be the initial values of the three semaphores, so that output “TGE” is obtained?
3 answers
In a file allocation system, which of the following allocation scheme(s) can be used if no external fragmentation is allowed?ContiguousLinkedIndexed$1$ and $3$ only$2$ on...
7 answers
7 answers
Threads of a process shareglobal variables but not heapheap but not global variablesneither global variables nor heapboth heap and global variables
1 answer
DIfference between Static single assignment, 3 address code , 3 address instruction?How these 3 are different in representation?
1 answer
What is the formula for average access time using write-through and write-back policy?
0 answers
How to integrate: $\int e^{-x^{2}} dx$More specifically, how to integrate standard normal distribution function from 0 to a?
1 answer
If h is any hashing function and is used to hash n keys into a table of size m, here n<=m, the expected number of collisions involving a particular key x isa) Less than 1...