3 answers
Q.4 Find the missing sequence in the letter series below:A, CD, GHI, ?, UVWXY(A) LMN (B) MNO (C) MNOP (D) NOPQ
2 answers
Consider the attribute set R = ABCDEGH (where Functional Dependencies areF= {AB· C,AC B: AD - E, B - D, BE A, B - G}.
4 answers
Q). Consider the following directed acyclic graph (DAG): The expression represented by above DAG is:(A) $a+a+(a+a+a)$(B) $a+a+(a+a+a+(a+a+a+a))$...
11 answers
In a binary tree, the number of internal nodes of degree $1$ is $5$, and the number of internal nodes of degree $2$ is $10$. The number of leaf nodes in the binary tree i...
6 answers
The value of $\displaystyle \lim_{x \rightarrow \infty} (1+x^2)^{e^{-x}}$ is$0$$\frac{1}{2}$$1$$\infty$
5 answers
If the binary tree in figure is traversed in inorder, then the order in which the nodes will be visited is ______
4 answers
$\begin{pmatrix}4&3 \\6&3 \end{pmatrix}$What is the sum of all the elements of the $L$ and $U$ matrices as obtained in the L U decomposition?$16$$10$$9$$6$