1 answer
I got Selected for BITS Pilani SS. Should I go for it or wait for one year to give gate again to get IITs. ?Repaying loan of 10Lac which i will take for BITS is getting m...
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NSR for NITs or job at Capgemini for gate 2019 preparation (((gate 2018 rank 2262 with 43.33 marks))))Suggest something regarding this
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Is reema thareja a suitable book for GATE Data structures?
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How are placements at VIT for CS/IT/Software/Mechatronics branch? Anyone applying or studying M.Tech at VIT please respond.
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In case of dynamic scoping, will an undeclared variable 'a' take the value of previous function's variable even if the variable 'a' in prev function is declared as static...
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I know that every process has its own page table and but is it the same with TLB? Does every process have its own TLB or there is a master TLB which is used by all the pr...
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I am preparing for Gate 2019. How should I prepare Mathematics for GATE. Is solving the GO Pdf enough?
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is there any benefit of giving GATE after age 35 , will NIT/IIT/etc give adm, if not then why there is no age limit
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Hello Guys,i am year 2010 pass out and going to appear for gate 2019 .Is age 31 too late for Mtech in iit/iisc ? Is 7-8 year gap will cause any problem with study with mu...
1 answer
How good is MSc CS data science at CMI.http://www.cmi.ac.in/teaching/courses.php?prog=mscdatascience
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I am looking for an online coaching for GATE is there anyone here who can suggest and review some of the online coaching options I have for example gate forums eGATE plus...
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How much rank in GATE do I require to get software engineering MTECH in Jadavpur University Kolkata?
1 answer
The minimum number of states needed for DFA of langauge L is ________.
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explain why L1 and L3 are not cfl