6 answers
Consider the following $\text{ER}$ diagramThe minimum number of tables needed to represent $M$, $N$, $P$, $R1$, $R2$ is$2$$3$$4$$5$
0 answers
A file can have either one primary index or one clustered index but not both. True or false ? Give an answer with explanation.
1 answer
1 answer
How many minimum queues are required to implement a priority queue?
0 answers
Can someone give me an example of a problem which is starvation free but bounded waiting condition is not satisfied?
1 answer
If a directed graph G is cyclic but can be made acyclic by removing 1 edge then a DFS will encounter exactly 1 Backedge. True or false ?
1 answer
Number of duals of distinct boolean expressions of 4 variables is ?
7 answers
Consider the following instructions.$I_1:R_1=100$$I_2:R_1=R_2+R_4$$I_3:R_2=R_4+25$$I_4:R_4=R_1+R_3$$I_5:R_1=R_1+30$Calculate sum of ($\text{WAR, RAW and WAW}$) dependenci...
1 answer
Intersection of languages produced by two DCFG is a DCFL . Decidable or not ? Please give reference for your answer.
2 answers
In synchronous transmission, 5 eight bit characters are included in 30 eight bit information characters. If bit rate of sender is 4200 bps, what is the bit rate of receiv...
3 answers
A computer system implements a 36 bit virtual address. Page size is 4KB and size of physical memory is 30 bits. The approximate size of page table in the system is ___ MB...
1 answer
Is convoy effect possible in SJF and Priority (preemptive and non preemptive) scheduling ? Please explain your answer.
3 answers
Which of the following algorithm leads convoy effect?FCFS SJF Priority scheduling All of the above
1 answer
1.Minimum number of tables required which satisfies 1NF ?2.Minimum number of tables required which satisfies 3NF ?
1 answer
Minimum number of relations or tables required ?
0 answers
Number of concurrent transactions that can be formed with 3 transactions having 3,2 and 1 operations respectively.Here should the answer be 60 or 54 ? Should we include s...
4 answers
For synchronous series counter of modulus 256, the propagation delay for each flip flop is 25 nsec and propagation delay of each two input AND gate is 5 nsec. What is the...
1 answer
How many permutations can be obtained in the output using a stack assuming that the input 1,2,3,4,5,6 such that 3 will be popped out from stack at 3rd position ?