1 answer
https://gateoverflow.in/?qa=blob&qa_blobid=14725486734069728898in this question what is the total transmission in go back N? someone plz tell?
1 answer
Tcp operates over a 40 Gbps link if TCP uses the full bandwidth continously how long in ms would it take the sequence number to wraparound completely??answer is 0.859sec ...
0 answers
while(1) {flag[i]=true;while(flag[j]);<cs>flag[i]=false;}someone please tell bounded wait is satisfying or not???
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https://gateoverflow.in/?qa=blob&qa_blobid=17252928676307264993how to solve these type of question someone please help?
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consider a system having one process which is reffering ' M' pages in the logical address and out of which 'N ' unique pages occur in it And 's' is the number of frames ...
2 answers
assume the preorder tŕaversal of binary tree is "abc" how many total different binary trees are possible whose postorder traversal.is "cba" with the given preorder trave...
2 answers
Consider 3 dimensional array A[90][30][40] stored in a linear array in column major order. If the base address starts at 10, what is the location of A[20][20][30]? Assume...
0 answers
Assume that a lower traingular matrix A[0.....n-1,0...n-1] is stored in a linear array B [0....1/2 n (n+1)-1] in row by row order for n=100 if A[0,0] is stored inB[0] whe...
1 answer
https://gateoverflow.in/?qa=blob&qa_blobid=12037309044418228871someone plz solve this question??
1 answer
int *p, A[3]={0,1,2};p=A;*(P+2)=5;p=A++;*P=7; what are the values stored in the atray A from index 0 to index 2 after execution of the above cod?
0 answers
what is complexity1)to convert infix to prefix 2) to convert infix to postfix 3)convert infix to prefix using stackplz someone tell?
1 answer
a dice is tossed seven times what is the probability that all six faces appear at least once?a)63/64b)35/648c)2/9d)5/324
1 answer
A search was performed on some binary search tree. Which of the following is a valid search sequence?(A) 1, 11, 111, 98, 58, 78, 90, 48, 88(B) 333, 33, 53, 93, 63, 90, 70...
1 answer
complexity of kruskal algorithum for finding the minimum cost spanning tree of an undirected graph contain n vertices and m edges if the edge are already sorted.??
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https://gateoverflow.in/?qa=blob&qa_blobid=15895383759487537860find complexity ??where n is prime.someone plz explain??
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in c programming which of the following is not used as a token seprator during lexical analysis?a)white spaceb)commentc)semicolond)none of thesetoken seprator means??
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a relation EMP is defined with attribute empcode, name ,street ,city ,state and pincode for any pincode there is only one city and street also for any given city,street ...
0 answers
https://gateoverflow.in/?qa=blob&qa_blobid=13192646339913379886please someone exaplain ?