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0 answers
#include <stdio.h>int main(void) { int i=10; printf(" %d %d %d",i==10,i=40,i>15 );} Conceptsundefined behaviorfloating point representation
3 votes
1 answer
Explain Prims AlgorithmAnalysis Of Time ComplexityHow does $\mathcal{O}(VlogV + ElogV)=\mathcal{O}(ElogV)$
1 votes
0 answers
$T(n)= \begin{Bmatrix} 2^{n}T(n-1)+c& n>0\\ 1 & n=0 \end{Bmatrix}$
5 votes
3 answers
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Assume that a merge sort algorithm in worst case takes30s for an input of size 64. Which of the following closely approximate maximum input size of a problem that can be ...
2 votes
2 answers
Suppose the cache memory is 100 times faster than main memory and it is used 50% of thetime. The performance is gained by introducing this cache is __________.
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0 answers
When compiler finds there is a System Call then what are the activitites taking place ?Activities involved in Mode shifting process from user to kernal mode and back.