2 answers
a sorted array of n elements contains 0 and 1. to find out majority of 0 and 1 how much ime it will take?1)O(1)2)O(logn)3)O(n)4)O(n^2)
2 answers
what will be size of main memory. when 4-way set associative mapping of cache memory is done and cache size is 256 KB and Tag field has 7 bits( consider, memory is byte ...
2 answers
Q. An IPv4 packet has the first few hexadecimal digits as shown below.0X4500005C000300005906….How many hops can this packet take before being dropped?A. 30 B. 59 C. 89 ...
1 answer
In k-way set associative mapping , the tag field contains 8 bits and 64 no. of sets and propagation delay of a comparator is k/20 nsec and propagation delay of 2*1 multip...
4 answers
when 8-way set associative mapping of cache memory is done and main memory size is 32 GB and Tag field has 10 bits. what will be the cache size ( consider, memory is byt...
2 answers
#include<stdio.h>int main() { int a=-1;int c = ++a + a++ + a; printf("%d ",c);}
0 answers
host a needs to send a payload size of 2400 bytes to host B across the network having MTU of 400 bytes if fragmentation takes place how many fragment will be there & wha...
1 answer
The bandwidth in a Stop n Wait ARQ is $1$ Gbps and $1$ bit delay to make round trip time $30$ microseconds, if data frames are $2000$ bits in length then the link is util...
1 answer
{signed int i =-13;unsigned int k= i%2;printf("%d\n",k);}a. -13b.compilation errorc.-1d.1
1 answer
A ring oscillator consisting of 4 inverter is running at a frequency of 1 MHz. the propagation delay per gate is __________ ?
1 answer
what is the meaning of "interrupts are asynchronous">
5 answers
How many solutions are there to the equationx1 + x2 + x3 + x4 + x5 = 21,where xi , i = 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, is a nonnegative integer such that: 0$\leq$ x1$\leq$10 ?
0 answers
the simultaneous equation on the boolean variables x,y,z,and w,x+y+z=1xy=0xz+w=1xy+z'w'=0have the following solution for x ,y,z and w a>0100b>1101c>1011d>1000
0 answers
How many finite automatas are there with 2 states x and y, where x is always initial state over alphabet a and b that accepts everything??
1 answer
A minimum state deterministic finite automaton accepting the language L={w∣w∈{0,1}} where fifth symbol from the right is 0 has how many states?
1 answer
How many committees of five people can be chosen from 20 men and 12 women such that each committee contains at least three women7524052492418009900
2 answers
void printnum(int a){if(a>1){printnum(a/2);printnum(a/2);}pf("*");}how many astreiks for printnum(5)
4 answers
What is the minimum number of two-input $\text{NAND}$ gates used to perform the function of two-input $\text{OR}$ gate?OneTwoThreeFour
5 answers
For a $B^+$ - tree of order $d$ with $n$ leaf nodes, the number of nodes accessed during a search is $O(\_)$.
1 answer
How much marks will be needed to qualify for ISRO 2017 interview?please give some rough idea based on ISRO 2016 experince...
0 answers
A B+ tree of order 'd' is a tree in which each internal node has between 'd' and '2d' keys values. The root has between 1 and '2d' values. What is the maximum number of i...