1 answer
3 answers
Two unsorted arrays of size m and n are to be sorted into a single array, what is best case time complexity?
2 answers
Consider an undirected graph G with 100 nodes. What is the maximum number of edges to be included in G so that graph is connected?(a) 2451(b) 4851(c) 4950(d) 9990
2 answers
Which IIT's take admission through written Test and Interviews,Upto what Rank They call and Eg Major Subjects To Focus and Type of Questions asked.
8 answers
An unbiased coin is tossed repeatedly until the outcome of two successive tosses is the same. Assuming that the trials are independent, the expected number of tosses is$3...
9 answers
Let $G$ be a complete undirected graph on $6$ vertices. If vertices of $G$ are labeled, then the number of distinct cycles of length $4$ in $G$ is equal to$15$$30$$90$$36...
5 answers
2 answers
Write a function (proper programming code) for multiplying two integers without using '*' operator and considering all corner cases.
2 answers
The correct way to round off a floating number x to an integer value isy = (int) (x + 0.5)y = int (x + 0.5)y = (int) x + 0.5y = (int) ((int)x + 0.5)
0 answers
A scalar valued function is defined as$$f(x) = x^T Ax + b^Tx + c$$where A = symmetric +ve definite matrix with diamension n*n x = are vectors of dimension n* ...
1 answer
Consider a 3 x 3 real symmetric matrix S such that two of its eigen values are a ≠ 0 , b ≠ 0 with respective Eigen vectors [ x1 x2 x3 ] , [ y1 y2 y3 ] . If a &ne...
0 answers
What is the meaning by this statement - The eigen vectors corresponding to different eigen values of a real symmetric matrix are always orthogonal.Can anyone please expl...
2 answers
A is a 4-square matrix and A_5 (a raised to the power of 5) = 0. Then A_4 =a) Ib) -Ic) 0d) A