Recent activity by vishwajit_vishnu

1 answer
Consider 2 scenarios:C1: For DFA (ϕ, Ʃ, δ, qo, F),if F = ϕ, then L = Ʃ*C2: For NFA (ϕ, Ʃ, δ, qo, F),if F = ϕ, then L = Ʃ*Where F = Final states setϕ = Total st...
3 answers
Can a sql query be like this: SELECT name AS instructor from instructor;The attributes' name can be renamed to table name or not?
2 answers
Total number of DFA possible with 2 states q0 → start and non-final, q1 → finalover Ʃ = {a,b} is(a) 16 (b) 32(c) 48 (d) 64
2 answers
A level of a max heap (containing 100 nos) is choosen randomly, on its selection, a node from the same level is choosen randomly. What is the probability that it is the 3...
7 answers