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2 Answers

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In any complete graph Kn, number of cycles possible of m vertices are:

nCm (m-1)!/2

Now, for maximum number of cycles, we should count all cycles possible and we know to make cycle we  need minimum 3 vertices,

Maximum = nC3 + nC4 (3!/2) + nC5 (4!/2) +....+ nCn (n-1)!/2

Is my calculation is right or wrong let me know!
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I think the question is enquiring about the number of maximum length cycles in a complete graph. Maximum length cycle is nothing but a hamilton cycle. Since the the graph is unlabelled , so the order of vertices in the cycle doesn't matter. 

Answer:- 1

If the same question is asked for a labelled graph then the answer would be (n-1)!/2.

If the question is about the maximum number of cycles in a complete labelled graph then the answer will be:- 
  where k is the length of the cycle.

If the question is about the maximum number of distinct cycles in an unlabelled complete graph , then the answer will be:-  

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