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6 Answers

Best answer
49 votes
49 votes

Answer is (D) $O(2^n)$

int recursive (int n) {
    if(n == 1)      // takes constant time say 'A' time
        return (1); // takes constant time say 'A' time
        // takes T(n-1) + T(n-1) time
        return (recursive (n-1) + recursive (n-1));


$T(n) = 2T(n - 1) + a$ is the recurrence equation found from the pseudo code. Note: $a$ is a constant $O(1)$ cost that the non-recursive part of the function takes.

Solving the recurrence by Back Substitution:

T(n) &=  2T(n - 1) + a \\[1em]
T(n - 1) &= 2T(n - 2) + a \\[1em]
T(n - 2) &= 2T(n - 3) + a \\[1em]

Thus, we can re-write the equation for $T(n)$ as follows

&= 2 \left [ 2T(n - 2) + a \right ] + a &= 4T(n - 2) + 2a + a \\[1em]
&= 4 \left [ 2T(n - 3) + a \right ] + 3a &= 8T(n - 3) + 4a + 2a + a \\[1em]
&\vdots \\[1em]
&= 2^k T(n - k) + (2^k - 1) a

On Substituting Limiting Condition

$T(1) = 1 \\
\implies n - k = 1 \\
\implies k = n - 1

Therefore, our solution becomes

$$2^{n - 1} + \left ( 2^{n - 1} - 1 \right ) a \\ = O(2^n)$$

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23 votes
23 votes
Its similar to tower of hanoi problem

$$T(n)=2T(n-1) + 1$$

T(2)=2.1 + 1 =3

T(3)=2.3 +1 =7

T(4)=2.7 +1 =15 .... .....

T(n)=2.T(n-1)+ 1

we can see that its a pattern getting formed which is $t(n)=2^n-1$ so it is d $O(2^n)$
13 votes
13 votes

The recurrence relation from the code is :

T(n) = 2T(n-1) + 1

The above recurrence can be solved easily with the help of Subtract and conquer master's theorem.

Here a=2, b=1 d=0

Since a>1, the third case applies

O(n0 . 2n/1) = O(2n) Option (d)

Reference : https://www.google.co.in/url?sa=t&rct=j&q=&esrc=s&source=web&cd=1&cad=rja&uact=8&ved=0ahUKEwiapt6kxLXTAhVCOo8KHVOMCLYQFggiMAA&url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.eecis.udel.edu%2F~saunders%2Fnotes%2Frecurrence-relations.pdf&usg=AFQjCNEDfKzz_SaGkG9uYob8-Ut4qV7jww&sig2=MZlwUU2OTfrZF0p_6ddVbA

5 votes
5 votes

Another way to visualize this problem.


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